My Morning Routine

by | Apr 14, 2020 | Podcast


Hey guys, what’s up and welcome back to another episode of Hear and Now podcast! I hope you guys had a wonderful easter. I admit, this year it was a little weird. We have so many traditions that had to be filled in with new ones. It was strange not being with my whole extended family and being in church on the happiest day of the year. But how was your easter? Come over to my instagram and comment how it was! I’m interested to see how you adapted your easter – we watched mass on tv and then had an extended family zoom call, as we do every Sunday night! But all that aside, this week we are back to normal in terms of this podcast! Lent is now over, so thank you so much for joining me for my lenten series! In today’s episode I am covering my morning routine, quarantine style!

Let’s get into the episode. 

Alright so!

So first things first. Why should you even bother to create a morning routine? Here are two main things to remember!

  1. It makes you more productive. It almost becomes a habit to do things and then it just sticks in your brain that this is the best way to go about your day. 
  2. It makes you less stressed! Doesn’t everyone want to feel less stressed? I definitely find that when I stick to my routine I feel more energized and less anxious during the day. But, let’s be honest, this time is so weird that I don’t blame you if you want to lay in bed all day. There’s not really a ton of stuff we can do right now, so I also wanted to give you some ideas of things to do, at least with your morning… 

One thing before we move on. I made a whole IGTV on block scheduling a few weeks ago, and in it I talked about my workbook I made that included sample and blank block schedules. Click the link below if you want to get that! If you are already on my mailing list, shoot me a dm or email and I can send over your copy!

So, my morning routine. I’ll admit I’ve been getting up pretty late cause I like my sleep and I want to procrastinate doing class work! but, every morning pretty much has to be the same for me, and its always in this order!

I wake up sometime between 4 and 7 am to take my implant off because I always fall asleep with it on. I will fall back to sleep a few seconds later. 

Depending on what I have to do that day, from the hours of 7-9 am I will contemplate whether or not to get out of bed. The answer usually ends up being to just go back to sleep. Is it just me or when you have a good dream you want to back to sleep to continue it? That’s usually a determining factor for me. I hate when my dreams get interrupted. After that I’ll wake up again, and by this time it’s usually either 8:30 or 9:30. I’ll roll over to check my emails and see what alerts ive gotten from friends in different time zones haha. Before I put my implants on for the day I love savoring that little bit of silence, so I’ll pick up things around my room and make my bed. I always always always make my bed. If I did nothing else that day, at least I made my bed. I hate leaving my room without my bed made. I’ll clean up clothes on the floor and put them where they belong. I’ll then finally put on my implants, my watch, and head to the bathroom to wash my face. I’ve been using port dermal cleanser and moisturizer for a while now and I love it! Just a reminder you guys can get 10% off with code hearandnow10, link down below. But anyway, I love having a fresh face in the morning. After that I will start to put makeup on. I usually only put on mascara and fill in my eyebrows. Otherwise, people will ask if I am sick. It’s happened. 

Somedays I like staying in my pajamas, but most days I love getting dressed, because it makes me feel 10x more productive. I’ve been living in comfy sweaters and workout leggings. Its definitely a reminder for me to exercise before the day is over. Speaking of which, I always exercise at the end of the day, because it tires me out enough for bed. I pack my backpack for the day, and head downstairs to my desk. I’ll make breakfast, take my supplements, and catch up on social media and chat with my family while I eat. Then I will begin my school for the day. You can get a glimpse into what the rest of my day looks like in my block scheduling workbook, again, link down below. But that’s pretty much my morning. Honestly nothing special. Its not a glamorous morning routine by any means. I don’t drink coffee, I personally don’t like it at all, so I rely on my supplements and vitamins to give me the energy during the day. 

I have a shorter morning routine because I value my daytime, so the sooner the day is started the better I feel. I find time to pray during the day and I journal at night. 

So yeah! That’s really my morning routine. My day is usually filled with doing schoolwork and other stuff, but yup! That’s it! What does your morning routine look like? Do you have a morning routine? The best way to come up with one is just identifying what makes you feel the best in the morning and writing that down! It doesn’t have to be minute by minute or extremely detailed, but its so awesome to have one! I’ll link some resources below for you to check out on creating your own morning routine. 

But anyway, thank you so much for joining me this week for another episode of hear and now podcast! Make sure to follow me on instagram, leave a rating and review, subscribe and keep coming back for more! See y’all next week!


Show Notes:

It’s the 35th episode of Hear and Now Podcast! Thank you for joining me this week as I talk about my morning routine!


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Creating a Morning Routine
Morning Routine Ideas
Morning Routine Workbook

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