Podcastmas #1 – Reacting to your Unpopular Christmas Opinions w/ Jayme Hein

by | Dec 1, 2020 | Podcast


[00:00:00] Hey guys, what’s up. Welcome back. It’s podcastmas I’m so excited. I have Jayme on today and this has been, I think our third episode. Hi, so she’s a pro at this now, but I am so excited because it’s officially a podcast minutes. And if you don’t know what that means, it means all month long December, we are celebrating Christmas themed podcast episodes.

I’m so pumped and I can’t wait for you guys to hear this one today. It’s going to be really fun. I’m excited. Right? All of these things. So for today’s first episode of podcast, miss, we are reacting to your unpopular opinions about Christmas. We asked you guys on our Instagrams, to kind of drop some of your opinions.

We’ve read them. And they’re funny. I’m excited to like, Talk about them with you. so yeah, without further ado, let’s just get started. So, Jay, why don’t you go with the first one that you’ve got the first one I can’t stand [00:01:00] last Christmas or Christmas shoes. Is that in my, as in like the songs I would assume, I guess so.

I don’t know. I’ve never heard. Well, okay. So Christmas shoes is a movie and it’s really sad and there’s a song that goes along with it and that’s also really sad. So I kind of agree with that one because I don’t really want to cry around Christmas. Exactly. So, yeah. And then last Christmas I’d hear like, would be the song.

Yeah. I I’ve honestly never heard them before, so I can’t really say much about that. Yeah. Well, I just know that Christmas shoes makes me sad. So I’m going to go with the fact that I agree with that one. Oh yeah. So I’ll just go with what you’re saying. That’s very true. okay. Let’s see. Some of y’all said Christmas music is good anytime of the year.

I kind of agree, but at the same time, I don’t, I think, I think I only can get in the spirit of Christmas music, like right after Halloween. And that’s another one we will talk about for sure. But like, I don’t think I can listen to it with the same, like joy [00:02:00] and excitement. And I do, like during this time of year, right?

Yeah. I think like from where we are from, I think too is part of it, like, because I don’t really listen to Christmas music until I see some snow and I know like other States aren’t like that, but like Michigan it’s like. It’s literally snowed here in like October. So I can’t, I could not listen to Christmas music in the summer because I need all the vibes to be right in order to exactly.

No, it’s so true. And I mean, that’s lucky for you guys, but Pennsylvania is so weird. I think one year it snowed on Halloween and of course we weren’t listening then, but. The last year, we didn’t get snow until like January. So I’m like, by the time it’s over. So there’s like no opportune time. But I think, I think for me after, like, after Halloween is ideal, like yeah, for music, but everybody will disagree.

I swear people will disagree with me and say, no, like after Thanksgiving, I know some people are weird about it. My mom is a [00:03:00] big Christmas person, so it’s kind of like passed down to us where we’re like, yeah, Christmas music is normal. Like it’s like when you go Christmas shopping, I don’t want to listen to anything other than Christmas music in the car.

Exactly. Yeah. Thank you for shopping anytime of the year. So cool. That’s so true. Okay. So what do you have for the next one? gift giving is so difficult. I feel like that might be true. It depends. I think I have like my certain people that every year I’m like, I have no clue what to get you, but then are people that I look at everything and I’m like, Oh, they would love that.

They would love that. Exactly. So I feel like that’s kind of unpopular because people be like, Oh yeah, I love, I love gift giving. I, I like it. But I, I, it feels so awkward to me, like when you’re giving them the gift, especially if you’re standing there watching them open, you’re like, what do I do? Yeah. I fully agree with that.

It’s a, it’s a weird situation. It [00:04:00] really is. Or you weren’t really on the vibes of like, I’m going to give this person a gift and they bring you a gift and you don’t have one. And you’re like, Oh, let me like run and grab yours really quick. And then you’re like searching through your stuff that you haven’t used.

You’re like, what can I get for you? Like how you need to wrap this so quick. Exactly. Especially, especially if the other person gets you a gift, that’s worth way more than what you got them. Like, oops, sorry. Like, what’s that like budget, like my boyfriend and I, we like pick a price number so that we’re not like I’m not here spending $400 and he’s buying like 50, because I know it can’t work like that.

I know. I know. That’s the true. okay, so the next one is Christmas with the cranks is an underrated movie. Okay. I don’t know what that is. Number one. You’ve never seen it. Okay. It’s hilarious. it’s very much like, I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s very funny. And I think the mom [00:05:00] from, what’s it called?

Freaky Friday with Lindsay Lohan. Oh, she’s in the movie too. Okay. I love her. She’s so funny. And I can’t remember what her name is off the top of my head, but, But, yeah, so it’s like, it’s about this girl that like goes away to college or somewhere moves far away. And then they’re like trying to make this perfect Christmas party for her when she comes home and they go through all these like funny things.

It’s kind of hard to explain. It’s been a while, but I think, I don’t think it gets enough attention, whereas like, I don’t know, a Christmas story or Christmas vacation, like they’re really, really hot. So I think this is like a very underrated Christmas movie and I think I’m pretty sure it’s on that so you can watch it tonight.

Exactly. Yeah. So, yeah. So if you’re listening to us, I’m praying for you during the exams for sure. Okay. all I want for Christmas MC is overrated. [00:06:00] Yeah. So Mariah Carey’s version. Oh, I was like MC like thinking of like someone that speaks like an MC I think so too. I don’t think it’s that great of a song.

Don’t love it. I like it to listen to like, like, you know, Jess and Gabriel. Yes. Yeah. Their Christmas albums are so good. Like I just like to listen to like, The relaxing ones. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. And I feel like this one is just a little intense for me. I don’t know. I kind of, I like it like maybe once or twice every so often.

Yeah. It’s like, it’s like a classic. You have to listen to it kind of thing. But I will say Mariah Carey, I subscribed to her on YouTube for like a year. Years ago or something. And I went to unsubscribe because she uploaded like 60 videos at once. And I went to unsubscribe. There was no option to unsubscribe.

I was like, what? Like, so my feed was like flooded with Mariah [00:07:00] Carey videos. I was like, Oh no, that’s not fun at all. So I finally figured it out. I think so they’re gone, but like I try like three times on subscribed. There was no button to do that. I was like, what the heck? That’s so weird. Yeah, but I think, I think this song is a little, a little overrated, especially because it’s so old, you know what I mean?

It’s just like, I feel like that’s the, that’s the first song that people think of when it comes to Christmas. Yeah. And so I don’t, it’s like a song that gets played on the radio too much. Oh, so true.

So, so true. Yeah. Okay. Ooh, eggnog is great. I don’t like eggnog. I’ve never tried it, so I can’t say, but I just don’t like it. I, but I, I’m not very experimental. So I’m, maybe I’m not the best person to react to this one, but yeah, I just, I dunno. I would rather drink like hot chocolate or coffee or something.

Yeah. See, I’m weird because I don’t want [00:08:00] any of those either. Well, you can. Yeah. I remember you telling me the first podcast, we reported that water and I was like, do that add vanilla bean frappuccinos to the less from Starbucks, which are basically milkshakes, but. That’s okay. They’re very good.

They’re very good. The whipped cream on top is very good. but no, I honestly, I tried a French vanilla latte a little bit ago. I swear. It’s just flavored water. Like I don’t like coffee and same thing with hot chocolate. Okay. Maybe I’m being a little too harsh and I should try it again. But I think like it’s kind of just gross to the, I dunno people it’s for the vibes.

Yeah, I think, I mean, I get coffee because I literally can’t keep my eyes open. So I just, I like hot chocolate during Christmas. I feel like just like it’s for the it’s for the gram it’s for the vibes it’s to bring it all together. A lot of what we do during Christmas is so that we can take a picture very true a lot.

[00:09:00] I feel like a lot of influencers don’t admit that, but I will admit that sometimes I go get a coffee just to take a picture of the guy. I know, I know, I think there was one time we had a Christmas parade locally and I just did not like hot chocolate and somebody offered it to me, but I stood there just holding it because so cold.

But I didn’t even say, I think maybe I like eat the marshmallows or something, but like, I just, I don’t drink yet. So I’ll check back in with you guys at a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. I like it now. I know. So we’ll see. Well, We’ll keep, keep a record on that one. the next one is it’s okay to leave the lights up late.

I agree. I think it’s okay. I think our family, our family, like leaves the lights up all year in some places. And the trees have like grown over top of them, which is hilarious, but they still work. So it’s good. but we use white lights, so they’re pretty all year round, you know, that’s what, like, if you have [00:10:00] multi-colored lights, I think that’s a little different, but like, yeah.

I think those look fine all the time. So exactly. Yeah. And we have like this one big tree that we light up. but like for my dad to put up all the lights and then only have them out for like six weeks, I feel bad. So we leave him on beyond. It’s a lot of work. Like they really, people will like change their entire bed set and I’m like, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa.

I don’t have the energy for that. And then only to keep her up for like the month of December, exactly. Up for at least three months, if I’m putting that for them, it’s so true. At least say like out of this little throw pillow from target or something, I said, it’s like, it’s the most magical time of the year or something like that.

And that’s like, that’s effortless, still costs money, but it’s effortless. Right? And it’s just, yeah. Yeah. But I think it’s okay to leave the lights up later than just Christmas, like into the new year, at least, you know? Yeah. Cause new year’s Eve is like an exaggeration of the holiday season. So exactly.

That’s like kind of want to ends like, yeah, very [00:11:00] second. Is like, maybe you should stop turning them on as totally. Exactly. And for us, like Christmas technically ends like the Christmas season ends on like January 8th or something for the Tiffany. So we, like, we still celebrate after I personally don’t like that because it just doesn’t feel right.

You know what I mean? Yeah. But like, technically there’s your excuse to leave them up later. Cause that’s like in the Bible.

I want to say my family does the same. I know that my Christmas tree stays up for a minute. Yeah. Oh yeah. But I’m not necessarily sure. Like, I think it’s different every year, but it’s hard for me because I want, I always want to like decorate myself and like put lights up in my room. But since I live at college, it’s like, by the time I get home, Then it’s kind of not worth it because I’m just going to go back and I don’t want to exactly.

I’m not going to be here for Christmas. So it’s just hard when [00:12:00] you’re in college to do that and like not looking at him. So I just let my parents do it. That’s so true. You’re just like, okay, fine. You’re okay. This one is probably gonna be very controversial. I love decorating for Christmas early. It depends on how early you’re talking.

Yeah. Okay. Now before Halloween. Yeah. Oh no, not at all. Totally. Not for Halloween. Like why bother and yeah, I think somebody else has it later on, so I don’t want to like trump that one to you, but like, they’re like one holiday at a time. I was like, yeah. Yeah. I feel that. I like, I just saw take talk and it was like the calendar and they circled the beginning of November right.

In testing. And then they circled December and they just left like three days open and they put Christmas in November, Christmas in December. And then the three days was like Thanksgiving. It’s so true. That’s exactly what happens. And everybody’s like, things he’s given gets so overlooked, but I think like on Thanksgiving, It’s not [00:13:00] overlooked.

Yeah, absolutely. Like go around the table, say everything. You’re thankful for you’re with people, whatever. But also I feel like if I were to go to my family’s for Thanksgiving and there wasn’t Christmas decorations, I’d probably be like, what holiday is it? Like, I would think it’s Easter or something. No, I just feel like it’s normal to have Christmas stuff up on Thanksgiving.

Absolutely. No, I think, I think because Christmas is such a, a it’s a universal holiday and like, It there’s so much to do for Christmas where things are moving. You can only celebrate three days leading up to it. And the day of, because there’s no Thanksgiving songs, you can barely decorate for them. It’s getting like, there’s no point in waiting.

So let’s just do it now. You know, that’s I always say like, whenever I’m like signing emails or something, instead of saying like, I hope you have a good Christmas. I always say like have a good holiday season because there’s many things involved to say like one holiday, like Thanksgiving, Christmas, new year’s Eve, all of that, like.

I just make it Christmas or [00:14:00] making the holidays all are intertwined and they’re all big banger. I know. Well, the same way, like holiday season to me is like all of November and all of December. And they’re like the first day of January, you know what I mean? Like, it’s just, it’s just there, you know? And I think, I swear, we went to the mall, Like two or three weeks before Halloween, they’re already Christmas decorations up.

So I was like, that’s way too early. Yeah. It’s definitely up doors. When stores start putting stuff out, I’m like, all right. It’s time. Like I got to get out. Cause it’s, it’s ready. It’s right. It’s available to me. So I might as well just buy it on the move. No, in this year, like it’s kind of crazy. Black Friday sales have started already.

Yes, because people can’t go out to the stores and I can’t imagine what that day is going to look like. I have no clue. but I will say we did black Friday shopping last year or the year before it was, it was chaotic. Yeah, that’s right. I go shopping every year. Now I am working in [00:15:00] retail, but more on vacation for Thanksgiving.

So luckily I won’t be working on black Friday, but I don’t know about what’s going on in Pennsylvania, but Michigan is on like, Re locked down again now where we’re talking about that. Yeah. So I don’t, I don’t even, I mean, retail saying open here, but who knows if it’ll still be open next week? Yeah, I know.

I mean, New Jersey, Just, I think they just said that they’re closing indoor and outdoor dining and they’re reducing the capacity to like 10 people inside and 150 outside. I’m like, who’s going to dine outside in the winter time. That’s what I’m saying. I’m like nobody. Cause we, we closed indoor dining, but outdoor dining is still available and I’m like, I’m not seeing when it’s snowing.

Sorry. Oh no. Oh no. Stay in my bed. I think takeout is just so much better right now. Yeah. Anyway, that was a weird side note. And who knows by the time this goes up, what this will sound like? So our apologies. [00:16:00] Okay, go ahead. too much pressure on family and finances and it’s too commercialized. Yeah. I feel that.

Yeah, I think. You know, like you were saying with this stores and stuff, like you go into a store and you’re like, okay, what the heck do I buy? And then you’re like kind of pressured to just buy the first thing you see that they were like, and the price tag is probably be like $500. You know what I mean?

And I think like some of the budget, main budget people you see all year, they preach like. Saving up for things or for Christmas, I’m like, it shouldn’t have to be like that much effort. You know what I mean? And like, like, I don’t know about you, but like if I get a gift, like yeah. Getting something that you like asked for and like already need of is nice, but also like.

I like want to cry when someone makes me something or if it’s like, I saw this in my thought of you, like, I’ll just burst into tears, like weed. I don’t need a $500 gifts like to celebrate Christmas. It’s not really [00:17:00] the point. Exactly. A lot of times that gets overlooked. Like we’re here to talk about Christmas and what the holiday means and like what it means to your family and what it means biblically.

And I think that it gets overlooked a lot of times because the holidays are crazy. I know a hundred percent and you know, you walk into something like target and just like the smell is in the store and everything. It just makes you want to buy more, which is another one that we have. it’s just, it just becomes a lot of pressure.

And so I feel like we need to like start returning back to that, that, that homemade, like just homey feel of just not making it. So like, like it says commercialized, you know what I mean? For sure. Oh, okay. yeah, this one’s no decorations for her, for Christmas, one holiday at a time. I think we covered that one.

Christmas music and sense in stores makes you buy more. I feel that actually. Yeah, I get excited about Christmas candles and I want them all, even though I know I’m not, I can’t even burn candles in my [00:18:00] dorm room. I know I spend money on that, but I do, I buy a candle and then I’m like, Oh, I’ll just burn it at home.

But that’s pointless. Exactly. Yeah. I definitely think that. And I think too, like, You look at something and you’re like, Oh, I’m going to get this for this person. And then you forget about it or you didn’t even need to get them again. It’s so early in the season and things are on sale. You’re like, I better get it.

And then like next Christmas, I’m like, Oh shoot. I forgot to give that to you. She’s like, Oh, this was a Christmas present. And I’m like, mom, it’s July. Like where did this come from? I know it means all, but it’s just different. And she’s like, Oh, I, I think I bought it like a year ago. I’m like, so you bought it last July, this July.

I know exactly. And right now, like we have my diffuser going, cause he don’t like burn candles at my house or anything. It’s like evergreen scented. And I’m like, I just want to be in a Christmasy mood, but I have school [00:19:00] and, and especially with exams, I feel like, okay, this is another unpopular opinion, but I feel like Christmas in college is very, very stressful because it means, yeah.

Exam season, end of the semester. And so this year, this is kind of off topic too, but my college is doing it so that our exams, like I have exams right now, and then I’m going home for Thanksgiving next week. And I don’t come back until after Christmas, which is pretty nice because then on Thanksgiving I’m not freaking out because I have exams the next week.

Yeah. Like I kind of like it, but I definitely think for college students, it’s hard. To be excited about Thanksgiving slash Christmas, because you’re stressed out.  a hundred percent, I’m a little nervous. Our finances is aren’t like when you’re in college, you hunt, it’s not like you’re. Doing super well in the wealth range.

Like it’s hard too. Cause you’re like, Oh my gosh, I have $10 to budget between 12 people. What do I buy? It’s hard. [00:20:00] That is a true statement. I’ve ever heard. Yeah, but no, I think it’s just so hard to get in the spirit when you’ve got so many things like over your head. So hopefully, hopefully this new system of like exams with Thanksgiving sticks, that means we get to cut our summer a little bit shorter.

I would rather have like, Less summer than stressful Christmas break. You know what I mean? Or anything, so whatever. so if there’s any like presidents of colleges listening, especially our colleges, I know shout out to you guys, but yeah. Please help. the next one is Christmas music in November is much better than in December.

I don’t know. I go back and forth on that one sometimes. Yeah. I think I’ve listened. Oh, I listened to Christmas music one day in November, so far. And it was the day that Starbucks had their Christmas cups and I got, I got the Starbucks Christmas cup and then I was [00:21:00] like, ah, it’s Christmas. And I was like all excited and going crazy, but haven’t listened to it since.

Yeah. I can’t like, I really only listen to Christmas music when I’m driving and I’m not really driving that much right now. So I think like once I’m back home and classes are over and I have more of like free range, I’ll want to listen to it more. Yeah, absolutely. So I would say I disagree with that because I am just more in the Christmas spirit in December.

I also think like you can’t just measure your mood by the calendar dates. Don’t really know. I know it’s so true. I think this year I’m like normal. Okay. So normally I’m very like Christmas mood as soon as. It’s November 1st. but then like this year, I think with COVID, it’s really just forcing me to slow things down because you just don’t know what next year going to look like.

so I think I’m really gonna like value the time of November Thanksgiving this year, especially cause [00:22:00] it’s. Well, by the time you guys listened to us, it’ll be passed, but for us it’s next week. but like, I still listen to it every now and then, but I’m not like in a full-on Christmas mood, you know what I mean?

Right. Well, that’s what my mom, like when she starts listening to Christmas music, she does not listen to anything else. Since music it’s Christmas. And I can’t do that right day. Like I listened to all kinds of music. I can’t just listen to Christmas. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And like I have to sing or every, every season I’ll make a playlist that kind of like defines my mood of the season.

So I had like one for spring around COVID. quarantine and things like that. And then now I have like a good, like acoustic folky music for November and October. and so I feel like I still want to listen to that, but like split my time. But once December comes, I think I’m going to be like in full-blown Christmas mood, for sure.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I want to do that with my playlist now. So like, it’s really fun because I can look [00:23:00] back on like my, my Christmas playlist or my, you know, file playlist from years ago and I’m like, Oh, that’s what we were listening to them. Like how crazy? Yeah. That’s a good idea. Yeah. So I always say, well, like fall 2020, or, you know, spring 2015 or something.

Yeah. I just, I always set mine up like. Country music, chill music, sad music. I might switch it up now. No, yeah, yeah. Categorize it by the year. The season. Pretty fun. Yeah. Okay. So you shouldn’t put Christmas or? Oh my gosh. I swear. I re I messed this up outlasts. You shouldn’t play any presents under the tree until Christmas Eve night.

See, so I think because like, if you’re celebrating, I think that. If you’re celebrating Christmas with someone early, then you should put the presents under the tree. Like if you’re having people over to do Christmas with them, you should have it under the tree. But like when I’m at home, I wouldn’t want my presents under the tree before [00:24:00] Christmas Eve.

Yes, I am. Exactly. I feel like I was like, when I go into peak FM or  I know just to like see what’s in there. I feel like, like a couple of presents under there kind of gets it in the mood, but putting everything under there, it’s just way too time thing. Right. I completely agree. I’ll like put like my best friends under there, but like, not like.

I wouldn’t wanna put my two, my parents are like, yeah, my parents, me, like, I wouldn’t want any of that under there because we don’t celebrate that till Christmas day. Anyone. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. Did you used to do like secret Santa when you were in grad school? Have you had, have you heard of that? Yes.

Okay. Okay. So yeah, so we had something similar to that we would have, what we would do is secret Santa within our class, but then we would also have a secret same as shop. So we would buy like really cheap gifts from, I dunno, the dollar store. Then they would Mark them up for like $7 a piece. when we were a kid, it was, it was ridiculous.

But, we would all buy a [00:25:00] present for like each person in our family. And then I think this was like the first week of December. So waiting a whole month to open those who was very, very tempting. and so every year we swore we were going to wait and the next day we’re like, screw that we’re over the love.

So I think just having them there, it’s just like saw tempting and you’re just like, we want to see what you got. so just totally ruined everything. But yeah, I just saw a tweet the other night that was like, I’m such a bad gift giver. I get it. And then I’m like, Oh, I can’t wait for them to open this.

Then the next day, I’m like, you want to know what I got you that defeats the entire purpose of this season? I can’t wait. I’m like, I’m just going to tell you what I got. Like, just listen, I’ll just tell you. You’ll forget by the time I give it to you. Exactly. Why would I do that? I know. I know. And I think like for a lot of people, It’s just like that excitement of all month of December.

So it kind of counts, but it just has a little bit more of an impact on Christmas. Yeah. okay, [00:26:00] go ahead. opening a gift from your spouse in front of family is so stressful to impress. I feel like that’s true and I mean, we’re not married, so I can’t relate to that subject, but I think anytime you get a gift from somebody and you have to open it, if I know somebody else it’s like.

Thanks. Like how do I react? You know? Well, and you’re like, because if you’re not like, I love basically anything I get, like, I get excited about it, but it’s like, how do I make it? This sounds like so bad, but like, how do I make it look like I’m really excited, but I’m not like jumping up and down and like giving them a hug, swinging them around in circles.

Like. Cause I don’t just want to be like, Oh, thanks. Yeah. But I also don’t want to be like screaming. So it’s like, it’s awkward. It’s really awkward. I’m grateful. I really am. But it is awkward. I know it it’s like, I didn’t really mean to make that face out loud. I don’t really know how to react. Video of that kid.

That’s like an avocado.

[00:27:00] I know, I know. It was just like, okay, I’ll write you a letter or a text later saying I’m really, really grateful for the moment. It’s super, super stressful to have to put on like a really big acting performance. Right. You impress them even if like you do love it and you’re grateful, but like, What do you do?

Because a lot of times I’ll just be like, Oh, thank you. And then I’m like, was that enough? Like, you can only say thank you so many times. I’m like, do they think that I’m like really appreciative? Cause I am, but I don’t know if I just made them believe that. I know. I know. So just, this is our word of advice to our parents.

Just know we’re grateful right now, but we might not always show it. Okay. Shots around Christmas. Make me anxious.

I agree. Yeah. Yeah. It is a lot going on. I know. And right now I can’t even imagine how it’s going to be with like masks on and everything in the store, like, and social distance. It’s [00:28:00] just going to be like, COVID crowded. You know what I mean? Yes. Yeah. Squeaky. Especially because a lot of like, a lot of them are like fragile.

And so I feel like if I move one single wrong way, it’s going to be like a domino effect and I’m going to wreck the whole store. I don’t know if that’s just me overseas, but it’s very out there. Yeah. Yeah. I did. I don’t know what it is, but just like around here we go to this one mall. That’s huge. And it’s so stressful to be in there around Christmas.

Cause like people are, I swear, people are walking like five miles an hour. They’re speeding through that store and an in and out, you know what I mean? But for me, I just like, I’m going to take my time and just kind of meander into the store. It’s a little bit, and people are like running a marathon.

I’m like calm down. I used to do my and shopping every year on December 23rd. I don’t know why. I don’t know what inside of me was telling me. That was a good idea. I will never, ever, like [00:29:00] I’m done doing that. Oh yeah. If you don’t find something, you have to, you have to go everywhere. I know. No more options.

You can’t just be like, I’ll get another day. Like, Nope, it’s got to be today and you get it. I don’t care if you’re driving an hour and a half. I know. I mean, for me, like, cause my birthday is December 21st. Like. That’s even cutting it close. So you have to plan in advance. And I think this year we kind of have an advantage of just doing online stuff.

So, but this is my unpopular opinion. I think online shopping is just doesn’t cut it unless like you’re you have to be in there in person to get the feel Christmas. Yes. I agree. I think. It’s like hard, because I feel like we’ve talked about this so much and it’s nice to not talk about it, but like with COVID, it’s really taken away the vibes.

Oh yeah. Of like holiday parties and Christmas shopping and all of that stuff. [00:30:00] When I’m online shopping this year, I’ll have to like play Christmas music and like, or something. I know, just get it, just got it in the spirit, but yeah. COVID Oh, cool.

I know. That’s so true. Christmas starts right after Halloween. No, I don’t think so either. Nope. I don’t think so. I think you can feel it, but I think you can be, you can be an anticipation and excitement for. The upcoming season, but it’s just not start right after Halloween. Yeah. I think for me, it’s always started when Christmas break starts.

Yeah. Because that’s when I’m like have no responsibilities. I can do whatever I want. Yeah. It’s when the holiday is like, that’s the time to be alive right there. Exactly. Especially during, during college, because you get off so early, like this year, I think my break starts like December 8th or something.

So I think that’s [00:31:00] like a good time to really feel all the house. Yeah. And like, I dunno if you ever did this in high school, but like, The D the, the few days before Christmas break, you would like eat, eat any canes in class. And like, watch movie. That was like bats. I was like, ready to be full-blown Santa Claus.

Oh yeah. Like I was like, it is Christmas. I’m getting out of school. It’s going to be great. I’m going to have so much candy, but now obviously, all I can think about before Christmas break is exams. Exactly, especially right now. or actually when we were younger, the day before Christmas is always the best.

When you would go on break, watching movies being literally we would come either dress up in our pajamas or we’ll dress down in our pajamas or dressed up in our Christmas best school. And that was always my favorite thing. cause you know, like cited to go to school, you wouldn’t have homework and everything was going to be great.

college ruined that last day of classes. I’m like crying. [00:32:00] I know. Oh, so annoying. Okay. This one, this one is going to be very hot. One hallmark movies are the same plot with different from politely. Great. Every one of them, somebody falls in love. They get mad at each other and then they end up in love with the end.

Yep. And a lot of times, yeah. This one. I don’t know if you feel it too, but for some reason, every time I come across a hallmark movie, they work as like an elf at the Santa shop. Like you go visit Santa and they’re the elf. And I’m like, How many elves do we have, like come up with something new? Yes. So many, so many different ones.

I think there’s starting to get a little bit more creative. I will say. especially like canvas Cameron, bear. I love her. She’s the best, she’s the best. But I think with her being in like the lead of all of the movies, there’s been, there’s been a couple of different [00:33:00] like themes throughout them. I think the one with the, the Christmas heals or something, I dunno if you saw that.

Yeah. One with her. Every time she wears a different pair of shoes. She gets transported to like a different part of her life to see like what it would be like. I have seen that. Yeah, that was a really good one. Cause it was kind of unique and it was not like the other movies, but I think if you look back, it’s just, it’s the same movie with different plot or same plot with different characters each shot.

Yep. Yeah. I completely agree. My mom watches every single one of them too. I’m like, mom, how do you do it? Like, don’t get me wrong. I love, I love them every once in a while. But like the, what? It’s like 75 days of Christmas or whatever, is it? 75? 25 days. Oh, well, if you want to say from, from Halloween until Christmas yes.

The 75 days. Yeah. Well, I just know that there’s like a hallmark would be on. like a certain amount of days every day and your mom watches every single one. I’m like mama. It’s the same movie every day. It really is interesting [00:34:00] now, but I like hallmark movies, but I do think that they’re a little stale.

A little bit. Yeah. I think, I think like Netflix and Disney plus are getting very creative with the movies that they have, but hallmark is just very rounds with different titles. So yeah, pretty much. okay. Did you just read that one or did I forget. I think you did this one says Claymation sucks, like claim nation.

Yeah. So do you remember, I had to explain this one. do you remember Rudolph the Red-Nosed reindeer? The, the old movie, the little like elf guys that would, yeah. That’s what it, that’s what it is. I agree with that. However, there is one movie, I think it’s a year without Santa Claus, the one with the ice guy and the fire guy.

Okay. Yeah. I love that movie. That’s my favorite Christmas movie. Okay. It’s a Claymation, but I don’t like any of the other ones, like is Rudolph the one with the abominable snowman. Yeah, that one. Yeah. I don’t like that [00:35:00] movie. There’s like a bunch, there was like a whole like section of just those movies.

Yes. And I only like the one with the fire guy and the ice guy. I think, I think it’s a year without Santa Claus. Okay. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen that one before, so that’s what you’re saying, but I’m trying to find, yeah, this is the one I’m talking about. Okay. Yeah. Yup. Yeah. I don’t love that. Oh, wait.

This is this one here we’re talking about right here. Yes. Yes. That one. So I feel like they’re, they’re just like really. Claymation holiday movies from your childhood are actually terrifying. It’s scary. It’s definitely scary. And I don’t know what, who thought it was a good idea. Yeah, I don’t, I don’t even know, but I thought that was pretty accurate.

Yeah. Popular opinion, for sure. So, okay. Let’s see. Go back. Okay. I don’t like any of the seasonal drinks at Starbucks. I don’t [00:36:00] know, cause I haven’t tried them because I, the same drink from Starbucks. Three and a half years of my life. Exactly. So I can’t remember anyone. Yeah, really, but I’ve heard like they put like gingerbread syrup or something like that in them or something crazy.

I don’t know. I’m just not a fan of flavor drinks, so obviously it’s revolved now, but yeah. Yeah. I don’t know if they get a little carried away. Yeah, just a little bit. I think there’s only so much he can do with the drank without making it a disgusting style. Yes. I dunno. Yeah. Okay. die hard is a Christmas movie.

I’ve never seen that. Neither have I, but there’s, there’s always a huge debate about whether or not it’s a Christmas movie. interesting. Maybe I should watch it according to my dad, he said it as a Christmas movie. because I, I think it’s like, Based in Christmas time or something, but I’ve never, I’ve never seen it, so I can’t relate.

Okay. Yeah. I’ve never seen it either, but maybe I’ll watch it. Yeah. Well up update [00:37:00] you guys after the bags. Okay. Christmas carols are just awkward. Do we sing? Do we film or do we smile? Say it louder for the people in the back. It’s weird. So awkward. So awkward. I don’t, I just, I don’t know what to do. I think we had Christmas, carolers come to our house one time and we sang along.

Cause like we were friendly with him and we knew who they, who they were. But I think if are strangers, you just like get off my property, let you do well. And it’s just like, It’s a nice gesture. Yes. I understand. They’re trying to spread holiday cheer, but also you’re really going to bring my doorbell and serenade me.

I can’t, I would get so uncomfortable. It’s never happened to me in the middle of nowhere, but I just couldn’t. I couldn’t take it seriously. I saw, I think I saw this video a couple of weeks ago. my mom showed it to me. It’s like [00:38:00] they planned. This Chris’s calories. I came to this person’s door and I don’t think they knew who they were.

and so they started singing and then all of a sudden you hear these drums and these instruments, and they have this full on flash mob. And the people saying they were like, were like so uncomfortable, like they were enjoying it, but it was so uncomfortable. And I’m like, what the heck are you doing? Oh, my God, that makes you so uncomfy.

Okay. I’m redoing old Christmas songs into modern ones. Okay. That actually came from my dad. He doesn’t like modern Christmas songs. They get redone that are not very good. my parents probably wouldn’t either. Yeah. However, Big fan of JBS Christmas album. I’ve never heard of her boy. It’s first of drummer, boy, it’s really fun, but I played it for my parents in and they can’t stand it.

Yeah. See, like Lauren Daigle passes the tasks, like she’s good. I [00:39:00] don’t know if you’ve heard her, her Christmas album before, but hers are good. They put their own like interesting jazzy twist on them. So I think they’re really good, but there’s just certain songs that you just ruined it. Right. And I think too, like, For the newer generations.

Like I could not listen to like Michael blue bit bublé yeah, no, I’ve never like, I just don’t like rock with it and I think it’s like, that’s just how I celebrate Christmas is by listening to like, Ariana Grande’s Christmas album and Justin Bieber album. That’s just me. I don’t maybe, maybe other kids our age, Doug do like old Christmas songs.

I just don’t. I would just say I’m I’m the complete opposite. I don’t really tend to listen to modern Christmas songs unless they’re Lauren Daigle. but Pentatonix kills the game. Oh, yeah, I do love them. They’re so good. And they’re their renditions of the songs are amazing because they do it all themselves.

Right. [00:40:00] And I think that too, that’s, that’s less of like a remake and more of like a, their version of cover, I guess. I mean, like. I don’t think they purposely do it to like change the whole song. Like Justin Bieber, when he sings drummer, boy, he literally raps. And I know that that’s not the vibe of drummer boy originally.

Whereas I feel like Photonix keeps it more of like, yeah. It’s just their version of the song. Yeah, absolutely. So, yeah, so I agree. I kind of agree with that one, but that’s just me. I’m I dunno, I’m weird with Christmasy. Like it has to be good or I’ll say it all, listen to it. okay. So this one is you have to do everything to make Christmas special.

I kind of, it depends on the position you’re in, I guess like if you’re a mom or a parent doing everything to make Christmas special, kind of like kills your, your vibe, I guess, or your enjoyment. but for the kids, like, we appreciate that. And I would say like, when I was younger, like I get it. [00:41:00] Like, my mom always does so much around Christmas.

But now I hope that she, because I’m the youngest and I’m nine. And so now I hope that like, she takes more time for herself because like to, for her to enjoy it, instead of being so stressed that like we’re enjoying it because like now I get it. It’s less like I understand the was mrs. Stressful. And I know that, whereas a kid it’s more of like, Oh, where’s all this.

Like, we need to do all this stuff now. It’s okay. If we don’t make it to this place at this exact time, like, we’ll just go with it. Take our time, enjoy the season, rather than just like freaking out about everything. I know. Agreed. And I think maybe it was like last year people were like, it just doesn’t feel like Christmas this year.

I feel like it’s going to be even more that way this year. So I think like, The pressure is, should be kind of alleviated from people because the option to do those things are not there. but as the oldest of my family, I’m always like, Oh [00:42:00] mom, do you need me to help you? And she’s like, no, like I want you to still feel that Christmas spirit because I have three younger siblings.

So I think it just depends on the position you’re in, in life right now. But for my friends and other family, I’m just like, I’m not gonna, I don’t care. Like, it’s fine. If you don’t do certain things, if we don’t do a Pollyanna, like there’s no pressure. but yeah, I think just for other people, I it’s just like, it’s okay.

If you don’t get to do every single thing you want on your bucket list this year, especially, you know, just pick out the important things. Make we’ll make sure those get done at the other stuff happens, then it happens. And it’s cool. Exactly. And like, you know, normally around Christmas time, when you go up to New York city, who knows if that’s going to happen, because it’s very difficult to get up there right now.

So just kind of like changing your mindset right now is like a little bit more important. and just making sure, like, you’re really there for what the core of Christmases and spending time with your family. And, you know, when something, as I get older, I’ve become more and more appreciative of like everyone has kids.

It’s like, [00:43:00] Oh yes. So fun. But now as long as I’m hanging out with my people, that’s all I care about. Really. Exactly. Exactly. So yeah, just really like, and you know, the, the saying is like keep Christ in Christmas and just not, not turning it too commercialized and you know, really remembering what the core of it is from South.

For sure.

Christmas is so stereotypical. I agree with. Yeah. And, Oh my gosh. I think I saw something funny was just like, just get engaged in March. Nobody cares about what happened in March. This might be because like I am high maintenance a little bit, but. I want it to be my day to be about me and my fiance. I don’t want it to be like, taken over overlooked, like Christmas.

Don’t want to take that day and we’re celebrated every year for that purpose. And you don’t want it to be like, you don’t want it to like meadow. Yeah, exactly. You don’t want to like overlap with Christmas or anything like [00:44:00] that. yeah, so a hundred percent agree. I would rather get, I would rather get engaged in life, the summertime or something like that.

Well, not Christmas and the holiday craze or anything like that. I like why not make another day of celebration? Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. No, I think, I think that one’s pretty, pretty easy. Yeah. Oh, okay. Feeling the need to go out and buy this just because it’s Christmas. I forget that people can’t see my face, but that’s it anything I’m like, I’m sad today.

I’m going to buy myself something. I’m like, Oh, well you’re all at disagrees. And that’s, I think people need to remember that in Christmas, like people are maxing out their credit cards. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. All right. So you have the last few. Yeah. Oh, well someone’s side at Christmas Eve is better than Christmas day.

I agree. I do. Yeah. I think, I think there’s just so much more like hype around [00:45:00] Christmasy if only because it’s like, okay, you wake up the next morning and then Sarah, but you wake up on Christmas and Christmas seals. It gets over on Christmas. It’s like, Okay. Like the morning was exciting, but like now what exactly, because like, I’m sure a lot of families aren’t going to be having like all of their family over it.

Like, it might just be a few people, or like in Michigan, we’re only allowed to have people from two households in one household. So it’s like, What do I do? Like, I don’t know, Christmas Eve, you’re like excited and nervous and all of that in a good mood. And then Christmas comes and you’re like, Oh, that was fun.

Like, I’m exhausted now. Oh my gosh. Our thing on Christmas every single year is we open our presents. I swear my siblings wake me up at like six o’clock in the morning. I do that. I meant they’re 12 and 14, but if you do too, that’s okay. I literally last year I woke up at four 30 in the morning and I was like, Whoa, Whoa, go to bed, go to bed, Jamie, [00:46:00] I get excited.

I’m a little child. The worst. We’re such kids at heart. It’s so funny. but yeah, no, I think, you know, we, we would nap for like the all afternoon and then we would catch your ass. But then by the end of the afternoon, it’s like, it’s all over, you know what I mean? 365 more days to go until Christmas again.

So when you think of a funny story, when I was like a junior or senior in high school, I was in this weird phase of, I never wanted to be photographed unless I was like flawless looking. So I would get up at like six in the morning, curl my hair, put a full face of makeup on like, change into my cute pajamas.

And like last year I was thinking what in the world was, I think that who wakes up on Christmas morning and puts eyeliner on, Oh my gosh. I don’t know why that made me think of that painful. And you’re worried [00:47:00] about yourself esteem, please. Don’t. Lose your sleep for that else is looking at your family Christmas fixing.

So you’re fine. I know I a hundred percent agree. I’m like, what was I thinking? You know, I, I tried to like put my hair in a cute little ponytail and stuff like that. I’m like, dude, I looked like I just. Got ran over by a truck because we wrapped so late. I don’t think anybody cares. You might as well just embrace it.

Like that’s what everybody looks like on Christmas morning. I swear. It’s so true. Oh, Oh my gosh. The next one is the idea of Santos kind of weird. I live for that. I do. Do I really do too? Yeah. I don’t know. I just, I don’t even like, know what else to say other than like, yeah. It’s kind of weird. It’s a little strange, you know, how, how that happens, but yeah, we’ll just leave it at that.

I would, I would say that’s good. the last one is it’s the best holiday. Okay. I [00:48:00] think that’s true. I really do. I think. I think all around, it’s the best holiday, but like my favorite holidays Valentine’s day. Yeah. Like I love, so I don’t know. I just feel like, it’s the best for that season. Yeah. but yeah, I feel like it’s the most celebrated.

I think so, too. Worldwide, at least it’s the most celebrated, you know what I mean? and I think it’s one that has a very, like, I guess theological, biblical root to it too. and Easter, but like, I think it’s just, it’s just beautiful too. When you, like, when you really remember what the season is about, it really is.

A very meaningful, meaningful season. but I’m the kind of person, like one when there is something to celebrate, even if it’s just national ice cream, I’m happy, you know what I mean? Things to like, be happy about, but I think it’s just like this, I guess the stigma or the, I dunno, the vibe of the season.

I [00:49:00] just to be happy all the time. So I think that’s why people love it so much because it’s just such a beautiful. Bringing together, people kind of sees them. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. So I think that was everything right. That was all of them. That was fun. That was the Christmas spirit. Like I know. And it’s the Christmas music now.

So yay. We recorded this very, very early. but that was officially the end, or this is officially the end of the very first episode of podcast. Miss year two. Thank you, Jamie, for coming on today, having me, I love it here. Always. I honestly just forgot we were recording and not having a normal conversation.

I know every time it really does. It really does, but again, thank you guys so much for listening. don’t forget to check out Jayme as well as mine, which are always linked in the show notes below, subscribe for more content like this, please keep coming back from where [00:50:00] episodes of podcastmas, which will be all up throughout the month of December.

and without further ado, we’re going to close out this episode, Merry Christmas, you guys.