Catholicism, Content Creation, Motherhood, and More w/ Megan Wells

by | Sep 22, 2020 | Podcast

[00:00:00] I already pressed record. So this is going in the episode too. It’s like practically lunchtime and Im eating popcorn. All right. Well, hello, you guys. What’s up. Welcome back to another episode of hear and now podcast. If you heard that intro. Yes. That is Meg.

Thanks for eating popcorn on the show. and so happy to have her on and to just chat about everything. we’ve been catching up for the past 20 minutes anyway. So, why don’t we just jump right in once you introduce yourself, tell everybody about you. Hey guys, I am Megan Wells or Meg, pretty much known as or max across the steer.

And my dog just came in the room. So if you heard a bang, that was the door. I am a mom of one little girl. She’s almost two months. I’m a military wife. I’m a traveling wedding, a couple of photographer, freelance designer. [00:01:00] Podcasts starter, social media, content creators, just Jack of all trades and the creative side of things.

and we currently reside in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

  So you’re from New Mexico, content creator, all of that stuff. when did you start kind of putting yourself out there on the internet and sharing all the things.  good question. when I was in college, I was a college athlete and that’s kind of how you like built any sort of following in college.

If you were a college athlete, all the athletes follow each other, and then all of a sudden you have a couple of thousand followers and it’s like, okay, cool. This is how we become friends with the other athletes and like, know what parties to go to and whatever. And so that’s how the growth first started.

but every single time I’ve had Instagram since high school. And every time I posted it was always about whatever was happening in that season of life or what I thought was important to me in that season of life. So you can scroll back through, I have not deleted the single post since I had it, which is insane.

but you can scroll back through and you’ll see [00:02:00] photos of like me going out with girlfriends or me wearing like a crop top or whatever during college, because in that season of life, I was like, yeah, this is my priority. This is what’s important to me, whatever. but then. After a bad breakup and a bad really, that kind of shifted.

And then you started to see everything on Instagram kind of shift in regards to where my head was at, where my heart was at and what was now a priority in my life, which was my relationship with Christ. not that it never was. But there were times when it definitely wasn’t like in the forefront. And so once I started doing that and very outspokenly sharing my opinions and beliefs and my Catholic faith, that’s when I found this corner of the Instagram world, that was like, Oh my gosh, yes, we’re Catholic too.

Like, we have this same beliefs and opinions as you too, like, this is awesome. I love that you’re talking so much about it. And it was like, Whoa, what really? And of course that comes with like a ton of hate too, because you’re really putting yourself out there. [00:03:00] But once I started doing that, that’s when I met people in real life.

Other Catholic women in real life, started collaborating with Catholic businesses, and the whole world of Instagram and like what I was able to do with it and all the opportunities that could come with it really opened up the minute I was really vulnerable about everything I’m passionate about in my life.

Which is kind of insane to think about. No. Yeah, absolutely. I’ve seen that with even my own blog. Like the more you’re vulnerable about everything, the more people are like, wow, like this is like, it’s real life for a lot of people and it’s not, it’s not somebody else’s highlight reel. Like it’s just real life.

And from following you for so long, I was like, wow, like she’s actually really real sharing all the ups and downs of everything. so yeah, I wanted to ask what was it like, you know, being in college as an athlete and kind of balancing that with everything else, faith school, otherwise. Yeah. when I first started, freshman year, that was [00:04:00] always a strong Catholic.

I never missed a Sunday mass. I would go to confession once a month. At least that now. Like, but at the time I was like, yeah, and meeting all the requirements. So it’d be a Catholic. but at the beginning of college, it was a lot to tackle. It was like school and soccer and that was it. And it was really hard to figure out how to fit friends in there.

How does it faith in there? How to fit other hobbies or photography or anything like that? Because I was like, okay, School is my number one. I’m a student athlete, but the athlete part being a division one athlete was like all consuming. It was like, you had a full time job. You wake up at six, you go to bed at 11, you wake up the next day at six.

And it was like, you have to meet all of these things every single day, you have to show up every single day. and so at first it was a lot because it was like, Oh my gosh, never in my life. Has my life been so consumed by. Sports in school, but then sophomore and junior year, I learned how to balance it better still.

Wasn’t [00:05:00] figuring out how to intertwine my faith in it more because I wasn’t going to a Catholic school. and the Catholic group on campus. Cause there was one and there were our focus missionaries at Troy university. The college I went to, but the group just seemed very regular students and sororities and fraternities.

There were, it didn’t seem like there were any other athletes and they felt very out of my element. I almost felt judged a couple of times, which I’m sure was in my own head, it wasn’t even a real thing happening. I’m sure. but I just felt like it wasn’t my group, even though they were all Catholic, which should have been enough for them to be my group, you know, but I don’t think I was passionate enough about my faith yet and strong enough of my faith yet to be like, yeah, that’s my identity.

Because at the time my identity was right, right. No one else share that with me. No one else shared that with me. So I was like, no, these are not my people come that senior year, junior year, senior year. I started soccer just became so taxing and there was always so much drama as there [00:06:00] is. When you put any group of 30 girls together playing time.

there was drama. If there was always, I was just tired all the time. There was like, Politics involved of course, with coaches and everything like that. And it just became. Something that didn’t necessarily give me life. And so then I started looking elsewhere for it. And every single time I was brought back to the church, I was brought up to my faith.

And so then that’s when I started to pour into that aspect of my life a little bit more and became that slowly became an identity where. I was able to turn and go to the focus missionaries and say, yeah, let’s start, let’s start a student athlete, Catholic Bible study, or yeah. Invite me to things. and all of a sudden I was able to balance school soccer, faith, and everything, because I had them in the right priorities and my identity wasn’t grounded in yes.

One of them. so that’s kinda how, gosh, Soccer in college and [00:07:00] yeah,

no, I mean, yeah, it’s, it’s funny. Cause you see a lot of people kind of just have their priorities wrong. Like you seem like you’re there for either sports or school. and not even putting their faith first. Which I definitely applaud you. I guess I’m realizing that after a while, do you wish you realized it earlier on in college or was it like kind of a transformative time of your life anyway, to realize that later on?

Part of the reason I think I don’t, or I don’t think I realized it as soon as I, that was, cause I didn’t go to a Catholic college, but I’m also very glad I didn’t go to a Catholic college because I was raised, very traditional Catholic, conservative homeschooled, like to the point where there were times as a kid or more so as a teenager where I felt like.

Maybe the Bible’s being shoved down my throat. And so I was like, no, no, no, no, no. I’m going to go to college and I want to be able to choose my faith [00:08:00] and not feel like it just being preached to me all the time. Right. So I think it was good that I did  learn it right away. I think, look, I can look back at those four years of college and go, Holy cow.

Yeah. Growth is growth as possible and God has a plan. As long as like others are praying for me and I’m not totally cutting off my relationship with him. Like even if at times I was just going to church on Sundays and confession monthly, and I was still going to parties or I was still maybe swearing too much when I was working out or something, as long as I wasn’t totally cutting off that relationship with him.

Then he would still have the ability to pull me back in and bring them back on the path and get me to where I am today. Yeah. So I think it was good that it happened how it did. No, absolutely. I would, I would agree for sure. and like you said, it wasn’t shoved down your throat and it was kind of your own decision.

To kind of seek out this relationship. And so I think God wants nothing more from us than to do that for [00:09:00] ourselves anyway. so I think that’s super inspiring. so what would you say to somebody who is either in a Catholic or non Catholic college, who is looking to kind of secure themselves in their faith?

What is your number one? I guess, piece of advice you would give to them, and looking for that identity. Yeah, go on on dates with Christ. I know it sounds really weird, but in college, especially if you’re female, most of the time, you’re looking for a hubby anyways, so you can romanticize this a little bit and make it something you really look forward to.

And it becomes a part of like your weekly routine. So what I would do is I would hit up like McDonald’s or something. I mean, I think we, we only have like a McDonald’s in our college town, but I would go to McDonald’s I’d grab a hot chocolate. I’d take my journal and then I’d go to our church. Our church was always open.

and I would just grab my journal, grab my hat. Chocolate. And I would go, go and sit, sit there. And I just write if I was talking to God or I’d write as if it was a letter to God and I would just sit there and [00:10:00] sit and sit in silence. and it was so nice. Sometimes I would cry cause you know, college does that to you and trashy relationships with  cry.

But that’s fine too, because then every single time you look up and you just see the tabernacle and you know that you’re not alone, like, you know that he is literally present with you and he like it. I don’t know. It’s just such an intimate time with him. It’s not adoration. It’s not church. It’s not mass.

It’s not, it’s just you and him in a room talking. Yeah, so, Oh my gosh, that was the most transformative part of my college years and have my faith in college for sure. No, I’m sorry. That was very funny. no, I remember I just bit my finger. I remember, I think it was Melissa grace, was on the show a couple of weeks ago.

And I was asking her in like a time of thing on us. She said the same thing about going on dates with Christ. And [00:11:00] I remember texting one of my friends. She’s like, I know she’s so sweet. she’s like, I never even thought of doing that because it just seems like to somebody, first of all, to somebody who’s not Catholic, something like adoration or talking to Jesus, it just seems so.

I guess far away and it doesn’t even feel like he’s actually there, you know what I mean? and even to Catholics too, like I feel that all the time and. It’s like, wow, like he’s actually sitting right next to you and you guys can go on, on him dinner date with just the two of you and just talk and that’s I think that is so cool.

Cause you said you spend so much, and I know this for a fact, you spend so much time in your single season wanting for something else when there’s something right there in front of you that you’re not even paying attention to. So I think that’s such a great piece of advice. I’m definitely going to have to start doing that too.

It doesn’t even have to be the church too. There were certain nights where I would just drive. Cause we were [00:12:00] in freaking the boondocks of Alabama. There was nothing around us. And so I was able to drive on like a country road and get to this. Field and the stars were always insane and we called it like me and a couple of my college girlfriends, we call it heaven.

And so it’d be like, Hey, we’re going to, I’m just going to go drive to heaven for a little bit. And so we’d go drive and we’d get there. And we’d just sit under the stars with our hot chocolate or whatever you aren’t. If you like coffee, you can have coffee. And your journal, or maybe not, maybe you just sit there and you talk out loud to God.

Like, I always feel him the most under the stars at the ocean or looking at tabernacle. So yeah, those were the best days ever status. So cool. I’m definitely going to have to try that. you know, cause I was telling you where I live, we’re in the very like city area. so I say I want to go anywhere. I have to go pretty far.

but know that that’s so, so cool. So to kind of go off that same topic. how long have you guys, you and Avery been married at this point? [00:13:00] You have now been married for a year and, four months.

So just tell me, yeah,

I love that. Did you guys plan on getting a married so soon after college? Yes. And no part of me was still stuck on the idea of getting my own design job wherever I wanted. I honestly thought I was going to live in a penthouse work in New York city work, some work with some design firm where peacoats and high heels to work every day.

And I was like, that’s what I thought my life was going to be. And I was like, yeah, I’m dating this great guy. I want to marry him for sure. But like we’ve only been dating for like maybe a year. Like I can go do my thing and then we can figure it out later. But then as we got closer and closer to graduation, the more and more, I just wanted to [00:14:00] one go back to California, which is where he was anyways to like be with him.

I was so sick of long distance that I was like, screw this. And then by the time you get engaged to. At least for most people, I think by the time you get gauged, you’re just like, I just want to wake up next to you every single morning. Like, I don’t even care what my original plans for life works. Like I just want to be with you every single day.

And so once we got engaged, everything kind of naturally shifted in my head and we were like, yeah, the next logical emotional spirit, like all of those things step would be marriage. Right. And so I don’t think it was ever something we were like set on. I don’t think I was like, I want to be married the minute I get out of college.

After I met him and got engaged, everything. I was like, yep. You just knew, you just knew. How did you guys meet in the first place? we met through. So for high school, [00:15:00] I had just moved from Germany to California and then my now best friend and connection to Avery had just moved from Nevada to California.

And so we were both the new girl at school and high school in California. And I introduced myself to her and her family and Avery’s family grew up in Nevada together and we’re very, very close. and so I always. Was around her family, which meant I got to know Avery’s family. And then I went off to college or I left California, went to Alabama for senior year of high school, spent all of college there and I stayed in touch with this girlfriend still am really good friends with her.

And every like four to six months, we would make sure one of us traveled to go see the other person. So at one point I traveled to San Diego to go hang out with her. We were going to go to Disneyland and she was like, do you care if Avery comes with us? I was like, I don’t care the more the merrier. And so we reconnected in college and after those [00:16:00] three days of hanging out at Disneyland with him, he had texted me saying he fell for me and all this stuff.

And I’m like, Oh gosh, I was not looking for anything. Literally was not looking for anything because you know how, when you’re looking. You like putting your best foot forward and like, you don’t say certain jokes, you don’t use certain weird voices. You don’t dance all awkwardly and be all stupid and goofy.

You just like are so cute. And you’re just smiling all the time and you’re making sure you’re put together. I wasn’t doing it. And you know, that I was, I was like, dude, I was talking in weird voices. I was like, yeah, we’re all pals. Now this is so fun. And he said, he fell for me. And I was like, what? The crap, like dressing in my hair very in one of those days, I’m pretty sure.

yeah. That’s how, that’s, how we met. And I turned them down three times after that, because I was terrified of long distance terrified of being in the military, the rest of my life. and I was also [00:17:00] scared of the fact that he wasn’t Catholic. And so I turned him down three times and a couple months later, I just like, had this immense peace about it after a bunch of prayer with God and quiet time with God.

And so I took the quote unquote, leap of faith and said, you know, date you, which like, what does that even mean when one’s in Alabama and one’s in California, but that’s how we met. And that’s when he started dating. Oh my gosh. That is so cute. I love that I was telling you before we started recording, it was like, where can we find it Avery?

Like he didn’t see, it was so nice and just like what everybody wants in a guy. so were you the one that kind of had a hand in his conversion to Catholicism? Yes, because I was the first person Catholic he had ever met, who was actually serious about their Catholic faith. He’s been on a couple of podcasts before, and he’s mentioned the fact that.

The only Catholic that he knew growing up were the quote unquote [00:18:00] Catholics in high school that were like rosary bracelets or like those same bracelets or whatever. Cause they were trendy, but they’d still have lots of parties or do drugs or whatever. And he was like, so I didn’t really know anything about the Catholic faith.

I didn’t necessarily have any misconceptions. He just didn’t know anything. Right. He’d never been exposed to it. So yes, in the sense that I like actually introduced them to it and like a very real and deep and true way. But after I said yes to dating him, I told myself I was never going to bring up the topic of conversion again.

So I was like, I want it to be a hundred percent on his own and I want it to be a hundred percent natural. And so we would have conversations and some of them were tough. Some of them like we’d raise our voices a little bit at a time, very convicted in our faith opinions. But then there was one Sunday or something where he said, I’m I went to Catholic mass today and I was like, what.

And he did it all on his [00:19:00] own because we’re long distance he’s over in California. I’m in Alabama and I hold his hand and drag him. and then another day he said he bought a book about Mary by Tim staples. And I was like, what? Cause Mary’s a big one for people can writing. and then slowly but surely, he was like, even if he’s he struggled the most with Mary and.

Purgatory, I think no Mary confession. And he said even, yeah, if I’m not a hundred percent on board with them yet, I can’t turn away from the faith because I do believe that when Christ said it was his body, it’s actually his body. Right. And so the Eucharist is what captivated him and what he first wholeheartedly believed in.

And he said, if I left. The church because I wasn’t a hundred percent sold, I guess, on Mary and confession, then I would be held accountable for my belief. That is really the Eucharist. Right. But not pursuing it as the Eucharist solely, because I don’t know what my family’s going to [00:20:00] say. I don’t know about confession yet.

All of those things. So he did a lot of it on its own. Well with God’s help, of course. But yeah, it was so cool to watch. It was so beautiful and it was such a Testament to, to like God’s capable of literally anything. And if you feel pleased in a decision, even if it stresses you out a little bit, like.

Reach out, like, how the heck are we gonna do long distance is a marriage gonna work with this guy? If he’s not Catholic, it’s like, if you feel peace about it and you totally give it over to God, he will do miracles.

I’m waiting for you to use your tagline in there. What in the dang heck is happening? Aye. That’s hysterical. no, but I think that’s so cool. And for one, like I think my mom was on my show, like. A while ago, but she is also , a convert, from, the Baptist church to Catholicism. And one of the things that captivated her the most was Mary [00:21:00] and the Eucharist.

And. Being able to understand the true presence and Eucharist and how special that is and how it’s just the core of everything we know. so I think that’s really special and it’s just very inspiring to people. once they really start to understand that and itself, that’s so cool. And I think like, For me, if I ever had a hand in helping somebody convert, like I would feel pretty special after a while.

okay. So yeah. Now that you guys are kind of fostering this Catholic relationship in marriage. And, you know, when he was kind of starting to convert, did you start to have like these little traditions of going to mass together and doing all of that, you know, fun Catholic things with one another.

Yeah. When we were long distance, he hadn’t converted yet. He didn’t convert until after I graduated college [00:22:00] and moved out there and everything like it was the same month that we got married, that he converted. mainly because of military, he was deployed at a point when he was going to get converted.

All the kinds of things like that. so when we were long, he was going to Catholic mass, just not receiving the Eucharist, obviously. and every Sunday we would try to FaceTime and talk about what we got from the homilies, what the homilies were like. Cause they were obviously both different. And then what we.

Maybe took from it or what we learned from it. And then when we were no longer long distance, now, one of our favorite things to do is go out for brunch or lunch on Sunday aftermath. right now our current favorite is BJ’s, but that’s mainly just because we’re in New Mexico. We know it’s consistently good food and service.

No, for sure. have you guys kind of. Found a community where as like a young family, you can start to foster [00:23:00] your faith, within a church with other people, you know? Yeah. Yeah. That was the hardest thing ever, because I feel like we’re in this stage where.

In college, you have your groups, you have your bin. and then I also feel like when you’re like a seasoned parent, you’re a lot more plugged in because you have their schools, you have their sports, you have whatever. And so you have your communities in those ways, but we’re in this weird middle ground where I just graduated college, but we’re in that age where like, we both could have just graduated college and we have our first kid.

Well, we also look like we’re in high school still. So people are probably, so is that like their kid or longest? I know the hardest thing because a lot of churches have stuff for teens. They have stuff for adult women or adult men, but there’s no middle ground of like, Young adult stuff, or I feel like it’s uncommon.

luckily we have met [00:24:00] a another couple who, who just recently got married, they’re expecting their first and then we’ve met other people and we’ve slowly built up this group that we do weekly catechism studies with. And then we built up this woman’s group where we do monthly rosary and brunch meetups.

And that just happened within the past. Like. Two or three months, honestly. And that has been the biggest blessing so far of living out here, because without that community, like you just feel so alone and it’s so hard to like, I don’t know, growing your faith because always around your husband, you’re always talking about the same stuff with your husband or whatever, and you guys can stretch each other, but not to the extent of being in a room with four other young couples, So that’s been a huge gift for us here.

Yeah, absolutely. and I remember you posting about it a little bit ago and I was like, it’s so important. no matter what stage of life you’re in to have that community who kinda just gets [00:25:00] you and gets the season of life that you’re going through. and I think. We need to all like start advocating for that.

cause I noticed there was just some areas in the country specifically that don’t have that. And there are people who are, you know, striving and looking for that. Which I would say the biggest blessing out of COVID is the gift of technology and connecting with people over zoom and doing Bible studies and stuff.

and especially CCS whole, you know, find the Catholic girl and all that stuff. Ways of connecting people, over the internet, which I think is the coolest thing. so just to kind of ask this question, who are some of the coolest people you’ve met from. Content creation and putting your life out on the internet.

So. She would kill me if I didn’t say her first, cecelia Pappas. she and I met over Instagram and then both met up in person at seek seek conference in [00:26:00] Indianapolis, like two years ago. And we’re really just going to meet for lunch or dinner, dinner and drinks. One day we were just going to meet one night and that was going to be like it.

But then we like super hit it off and hung out pretty much the rest of the conference. and then stayed in touch since then. So she’s and I mean, obviously now we both run a podcast together. She’s my child’s God. Godmother. So like, obviously we’re a lot closer now that he’s brought up. but definitely her, Austin, the basic Catholics he is our baby girl’s godfather.

Girls got father he’s been awesome to me because he played a role in. Our wedding being a full mass, a full Catholic mass, because I know Avery was on the fence about it. He was like, why don’t we just because you have the option to have a full night or like the wedding part. and I wanted the full mass, but I also respected avery’s family enough to say like, it’s okay if I have to sacrifice that.

But Austin reminded Avery that this may be the only Catholic [00:27:00] mess. Your family ever witnesses. Right. That was huge. And so after that moment, like we’ve been in really good touch and really good friends with him. and he has connected us to so many other Catholics. I feel like I know her, but I haven’t met her in person yet, but I’ve worked with her all the time mary lenaburg’s everyone’s favorite.

Everyone’s favorite? Trying to think McLean from a Catholic Convault and every time we go to a Seek or SLS focus conference, we make sure to meet up with her for a little bit. There’s so many, like spend the whole hour phenomenal people that I’ve met through Instagram, my book. No, it’s so true. it must, I don’t remember who posted it.

It might’ve been you. but how many people. There were, that were kind of hidden in the world of like Catholic people. And now all of a sudden, you just feel like there’s such a big, the boom of Catholic bloggers and Instagrammers and [00:28:00] stuff. And you’re like, no way, like you’re a Catholic too. Like it’s really, really so cool.

especially if we all, not only have Catholicism Catholic in common, but just this idea of wanting to put our life on the internet too. And so that’s like really cool for sure. so since you brought it up, what, what’s going on with the podcast? Why don’t you talk about that for a bit? Okay. So we are on episode 16 is coming up this Monday.

we it’s kind of mind blowing because for. Like a year and a half, we had talked about it and we had sent each of these screenshots. Every time someone said, you guys should have one together, or you should do one on your own. every single time we would send them to each other and it happened for a year and a half straight, and we just never jumped on it mainly because of our lives.

But also because of that hesitancy of like, what are we going to talk about? What are we like, what do we have. To say more than what we already say on social media. Like we’re already so much on, like, [00:29:00] they’ll want to listen to us. Like that seems kind of crazy. and then also I didn’t want to deal. With and learn the technical side of podcasts, the whole editing and recording and everything.

I was like, Oh no, but CC didn’t want to have to deal with like the social media side, because she has a million accounts that she runs. She didn’t want to deal with like the design and the podcast cover and the website and all of the branding kind of things. And so that’s when we started talking about it and sharing like, Hey, wait, you could do that.

And then we tag team it, and then we both have a podcast, but it’s not all the way on us. And we’re like, let’s do a hit. So he did it. And it’s been insane. The, like enthusiasm and conversations we’ve had with, like I said again, Catholic women all over the world. I mean, not even, not even just Catholic women, [00:30:00] we’ve had girls who aren’t Catholic chime in and say like, Oh my gosh, I’m learning so much from you guys.

And I’m learning a different way. You pointed out the Catholic faith, Wallace, this is insane. And we were like that. It was so dope because we don’t, it’s not like a Catholic specific podcast. We talk about so much more than focusing on just the fee. But every now and then we’ll throw in a little tid bit about it and it’s enough kind of like introduce people to it without suffocating them.

It’s just been really good. Cool. And we have a lot of really cool ideas of things we want to do with it and grow with it down the line. Especially if we ever were to live near each other, there’d be so much more available, but. It’s been, it’s been so fun. and so much less stressful than I thought it would be, but that’s also probably because I have a partner with me.

Oh yeah, no, agreed. I love it. Cause it’s like everybody [00:31:00] says, it’s just like listening to a girl’s name, you know, in your ears every week. And you know, you guys talk about like the funniest topics too. I have to say the most recent one. I think when you have the same taste in men is God that one while it’s hysterical and you just see so many people just ask you to do a part two, where else do we go with this?

You need to, and I D I. I even said to you, my story , I think people will know if it was me. but no, you need to do a part two that’s hysterical. so I will leave mags link to the podcast down below for you guys to check out as well. it’s a good time, for that too, but, I’m trying to think what else I wanted to ask you.

Oh, okay. Of course. I have to ask about little  Kerry there too. What’s it like for you guys now to be honest, new venture Parenthood?

Yeah. So I honestly thought it was going to be a lot more like, maybe not scary, but a lot more [00:32:00] new and like, Oh my gosh, I got to like learn all these things. and I really thought the scariest moment would be driving home from the hospital with her and getting home and realized. We’re on our own and we have a small human now.

Okay. But on our drive home, it just was like, yeah, we’re taking our daughter home, mrs. Our home. These are your dogs. This is where we live. and it wasn’t scary or intimidating at all. And I not a hundred percent sure why. Cause everyone else has always told us that that’s like the biggest moment where you go, Oh crap.

What have we done? but. Most of parenting in general has just been like inherent. And it’s just like, it’s tough. Especially as a woman, you just know, you know what to do. You learn your baby’s super quick, you know what your baby needs when they need it, you learn their schedule, you get into that routine and then life goes on.

It gets, I don’t know if like something hasn’t hit me yet. She’s only two months. Of course, everything’s going to [00:33:00] constantly be changing with sleep and her personality and everything like that. Yeah. Women just had me so stressed out about it and not a minute. And I’m like, no, I need girls to know, like, you will know what to do.

You can lean into that intuition, like nothing else and learn the schedule and get into that routine. And life keeps happening around you and you can keep shopping. You can keep going out with friends. You can keep doing those things. Like, it’s not like you’re on lockdown now and everything in life sucks and you get no sleep ever.

Cause I mean, You can think about it two ways you can go, I’m getting no sleep. This sucks. Or you can say, well, this is my reality. Now someone has to wake up and feed her. Okay. So like I’m not, I can either fight it and it can suck, or I can just say, this is my new normal, I’m still at the end of the day, getting eight hours of sleep.

It’s just in. Three three hour chunks now, or two hour chunks [00:34:00] now, you know? so it’s actually been super, super sweet and it’s gosh, I want five more already. Like she’s got me having baby fever and she’s two months. Like we’re not trying to put us here, but it could happen. No, I swear. I get serious baby fever.

Every time I like look on your feet and stuff, she’s just the sweetest. Little human, as you said. but I, I love that perspective. That is so funny. Really? Somebody somebody’s got a theater that was so funny. no, but seriously like that is so, so sweet. so did you guys ask to play with having kids so soon after you got married and again, right after college?

Yes. Well, I think it’s the same thing as, like I say, you got engaged then all of a sudden you’re like, yeah, I want to be married. And then we got married. We were like, Yeah, we want kids because when we looked at everything, we [00:35:00] were like, okay, let’s be real adults here. Now that we’re married and let’s look at everything and double check and cross check everything.

But financially, spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, like everything checks off. The only reason we would postpone having kids right now is for selfish reasons like, Oh, well we want more money for ourselves. Or, Oh, well, I don’t know about that commitment yet, or, Oh, well I want to travel a lot more with just you and I cause traveling with a kid and it doesn’t seem so luxurious.

Like I don’t want to do, and it’s like this really kind of petty, small reasons. And then the minute two that we like. Obviously when I was pregnant with her, everything started to change in my mind. I was like, Oh my gosh, I just can’t wait to meet her. Like nothing else matters. Yeah. But literally everyone, it, and it is the most true thing ever.

And you can’t explain it until you experience it. When they handed her to us and when she got there, it was literally like nothing else. Like, I have talked [00:36:00] so much about how I’m going to work. I’m going to juggle motherhood and working and it’s going to be great. And we’re going to figure it out as we go.

And then she was handed to me and I was like, Nope. Nope. I’m going to sit on the couch for the rest of my life. Nothing dropping my jobs with decent some thing, because I love them and I’m not dropping them. That would be stupid, but it literally, nothing else matters. it’s like traveling with her. Okay.

Yeah. She’s part of the family. Now. She comes with it. It’s like, it’s not like, man, I really want to travel anymore because now I have a kid I’m just going to sit here. Like it, everything shifts a little bit, but we, and we both. Avery wanted to be a dad since he knew what a father was. And he dressed with a stay at home dad or a dad, one Halloween.

I’m pretty sure as a kid, like that’s when you know sure. He wore like a tie and a briefcase. and then I’m just the oldest of five. And so I grew up, like my [00:37:00] immediate family was somebody big, but then also I grew up with like 18, 17 cousins. Yeah. I, I loved that feeling of like all the kids are here, like cousins right here.

The families is really big. and I, I was super pumped for kids, especially with the flexibility of my jobs. They all can happen from home except for the occasional photo shoot. But we wanted kids almost immediately after we got married. Yes, no, I know, I know. I can’t wait to see all of those kids. that’s so crazy.

I know I’m like, I, like I said, I’m so obsessed with her. She’s so sweet. so I was going to ask what is a typical day in the life look for you now that you have to balance work and mom? Well, yeah. Okay. So we wake up around, seven, seven ish, she’s up and ready to like, [00:38:00] hang out, like why awake? And it’s actually really sweet.

I used to hate mornings, especially early mornings. but now I love them because it’s like a new day. It’s fresh start and she’s always so happy in the mornings. She just wants to hang out and smile and talk with just like two months old talk. So it’s like, Weird shrieks and stuff. we wake up at seven.

We hang out in bed for a little bit feeder and then we pretty much get up for a day. Work hasn’t necessarily started yet. I’m on maternity leave, maternity leave for myself until November 1st. I’m still, we’re still running the podcast though. I’m still doing collaborations with companies. So there’s still a little bit of work in emails and things like that to like stay on top of.

And most of the time after we hang out for two or three hours in the morning and I feed her, she’ll take a pretty solid nap for a couple of hours. And that’s her biggest nap during the day. So that’s when I typically sit down to reply to emails the, for podcasts, or [00:39:00] I deep clean the house or whatever it is.

Yeah. and then the rest of the day, We kind of just run errands and stuff because she doesn’t really take super long naps during the day anymore, which is kind of tough because I used to like knowing every two hours, she’s going to sleep and not get the break. but it’s also nice because I know that she’s learning what daytime is and time we’re going places and doing things.

so she’ll sleep in the car for a little bit. If we go to Walmart or she’ll fall asleep in the stroller at Walmart, and then. We come back and she’s pretty much up the whole time, but then she also sleeps again around like, Five or six and until like seven 30 ish, which is enough for me to like make dinner, which is awesome.

And we up again and wants to hang out. And we have been watching loss as a family family, but we agree and I are, watch your loss, curious, no clue what’s going on, but most, most fair [00:40:00] too melancholy. So what’s lost. And then around nine, nine ish, 10 ish, we’ll head upstairs and go to bed and she sleeps for about three hours and then wakes up, looks up.

Yeah. Wow. Pretty much our life it’s for, at first throws you a loop. Cause you’re like, Oh my gosh, I’m exhausted. And your progress, like adjust everything. But then after like a couple of weeks, you’re like, okay, This is my new schedule. And I know when she takes her naps, I know when I can kind of, you start to figure out when you can plan your day around things.

And it’s very nice because I like to do that. And then dr. Beneficent, it sounds like a fun day. Just up all the time. No sleep let’s have her now. I’m kidding. That sounds like a fun day though. Especially when you have a little human human to take care of during the day and just stare out all the time.

How can you even be productive, right? How are you productive? I don’t even get [00:41:00] it. That’s so funny just when she sleeps. And then sometimes when she sleeps, I’ll be like posting something for a collaboration, and then I’m on my phone obviously. And I just go to my photos and I just start scrolling through photos and videos.

And I’m like, literally two feet away from you sleeping. I need to calm down.

No. I say, I say, I see all of these moms doing that all the time. but that’s so cute. I’m so, so jealous. but I got a little time, little time just waiting. well, do you have any fun projects coming up that you want to promo or talk about or anything like that? That’s a really good question. Let me think about everything, right.

I do have a lot of design projects coming up November 1st. I’m starting a couple. one is. This woman is surprising her husband with a podcast cover design, and he has his own podcast, but the coverage, she was like, the cover is terrible pretty much just like [00:42:00] they found a background photo on Google images and put some texts on it.

And like, you want a good could use some work, you know? so that one’s going to be fun and it’s super sweet that she reached out and that is Catholic. So I love that. And then I have, I really, a lot of my work doesn’t amp up until next year. Cause I have a lot of weather to travel to next year, which will be interesting.

We’ll see how that looks. We will see if they crave you with me. We will see if Avery comes with, if he stays at home with her, that’ll be to be decided. Especially with Covid. I’m interested to see how that all that’s gonna play out. Please be over by next year. Oh goodness. Can I please be over tomorrow?

It needs to be out of here crazy. Oh my gosh. That is so crazy. And honestly, like I said, I could probably talk to you all the time, but. Probably should just start wrapping up for the listeners. so where can listeners connect with you and find [00:43:00] you on all the things?

Okay. So you can find me on Instagram at Meg’s. Underscore underscore Wells. and then my Instagram is basically the hub for everything else. Our podcast is Linked In, the bio, my, our family website, and my blogs are linked in the bio, our Amazon storefront pages link in the bio, my photography websites in the bio.

So sign in Instagram. They’ll be good. You’ll be set. Perfect. Perfect. Yes. All of those things will be down below. Yes, no. I always want to give everybody a chance to promo what they got going on. and obviously go follow her to see all the pictures of Carrie and that’s where I find them too. So it’s way too many.

No, no, no, not at all. It’s a perfect amount. Well, thank you so much for coming on the show. I was so happy to have you and we can just laugh and I love how you’re still throwing popcorn on the floor for Moe to pick up that’s hysterical. [00:44:00] Yeah, I just lost it a little time. It keeps them quiet. I love it so much.

Well, anyway, thank you so much for coming on. I hope you’ll come back on soon. I’m sure everybody will love this. don’t forget to subscribe to my podcasts and their podcasts as well to be down at the show notes below. Go follow her on Instagram and leave a rating and review for today’s episode.

Thank you so much, Megan. And we will see you guys. Yes, of course, we will see you guys next time. Bye. Bye.