Vogue 73 Questions w/ Jayme Hein

by | Aug 4, 2020 | Podcast

[00:00:00] Hi guys. What’s up. Welcome back to another episode of Hear and Now podcast today, I have a very special friend of mine on the show I say, hi, Jayme. Hi everyone. So excited to be here. I know I’m so happy that we could like hop on and have a podcast interview. You said this is your first one, right? Yeah. I was pretty nervous last night.

Totally fine. , but yeah, so we’re actually gonna play Vogue 73 questions. We’re excited about this. , we’ve seen so many people do this and we’re like, we want to do this so bad. , so yeah. Why don’t you tell everybody a little bit about where you’re from, who you are, that kind of thing. Okay. So I’m from Michigan.

I’m a sophomore in college. I go to a school in Southern Michigan. It’s like a really small private school. , I’m studying fashion merchandising and marketing. And yeah, that’s cool. Fashion merchandising is, sounds like a really cool field. It’s very fun. Yeah. So, , what kind of things do you post on your Instagram?

Okay, [00:01:00] so I’m a micro influencer right now. So I’m working with fashion and beauty brands, a lot of smaller ones just because I’m starting out, but it’s so fun. , outfit of the days, things like that, , Yeah, it’s so fun. I love, I love following along and like voting on your outfits and stuff like that. , it’s so cool.

So yeah, so you’re working with beauty brands and stuff, and it’s like a lot of fun. So have you gotten like free products and stuff from brands? Yeah, a little bit before, like starting off, it was a lot of ambassadorships, but now things are growing and it’s more of like, I’m starting to make money, which is really exciting.

It’s so cool that you can make money off of something that you just like. Genuinely enjoy exactly. I feel the same way, like just skincare brands and like things that you promote. Like I use this every day. Yeah. Like I’m just getting ready in the morning, but if I videotape it, I can get money. Like it’s so cool.

I know. It’s so crazy how that works, but I love it so much. So when did you start, , like wanting to become like an influencer, I guess. [00:02:00] Yeah. So. Basically like my junior year of high school, I took a year of cosmetology school and then I just figured that it wasn’t for me, but I’ve always wanted to start like a YouTube channel and things like that.

But I was scared I was from a small town, so I was like, everybody’s gonna know about it. And I’m terrified. And then I went to college and I like found my genuine friends and like, Hair is like, no matter what I do, they are still gonna care about me. So then in quarantine, I was like, okay, I have all this time.

Like, let’s start moving on things. And now I just love it and do it every day. So much fun. , I got to feel like the same way. , I started minding like last year before going to college, he started wanting to like document, you know, being inscribed. , and so I love like college you tubers, like they’re my favorite.

, and just like following along with them and their journey and like being able to do both like. How, like it’s so much fun, you know, it’s definitely like I’m just sitting in class, but I’m going to take a picture and put it on my Instagram. [00:03:00] It’s so exciting to me. I don’t know. I know. I love it so much.

Um, so that’s super fun. So yeah. I mean, do you want to just get started with the questions? I think this is going to be fun. I’m so excited. I know we found like this random article was a bunch of questions, so let’s hope that they’re good. Um, Okay, but it should be fine. Okay. All right. You can start with number one.

Okay. So the first question is on a scale of one to 10, how excited are you about life right now? I’d say I’m probably about like a nine or 10. Like I just like genuinely feel good about like where life is going and taking off and, , you know, just getting like brands to see and notice you. Um, and just like, you know, Just living life it’s summertime.

So it’s good getting that tan on. So yeah. What about you? Yeah, I would say like probably an eight or nine. Um, I’ve said I’ve had a lot of time to like set goals for myself. So I have like things to work towards, [00:04:00] but yeah. It also kind of sucks because like, you can’t do anything right now. Like can’t be going a ton of places and things like that, but it gives me more time to work on my goals.

So whatever sure I feel the same way Pennsylvania is like, Shut down, but like, yeah, there’s just so many restrictions. Like if you want to go to the gym, you have to wear a mask. I’m like, I’m not working out with a mask on, so Oh my gosh. But yeah, I feel that. So it’s like, you’re kind of forced to work on things, which is kind of nice, but yeah, I know.

So yeah, that’s good. Okay. So pretty good. Okay. If I were to describe yourself in a hashtag. I just was thinking like hashtag LOL, just because like, I’m just living. Like, I think I’m funny. I’m having a good time, so I know that’s awesome. , I don’t know. I feel like I want to do like. Multi-passionate or something like that.

That’s a good one. Cause I’ve been like working on [00:05:00] so many different things right now. And like, I’m the kind of person that I’ll get something started and then we’ll start something else, but then I’ll finish the first thing. So like, I just want to have so many projects going on at one time. Yeah. And so, yeah, I think multi-passionate is like my thing.

That’s a really good one, but I love LOL. That’s so funny. You’re just like, I have no idea what I’m doing, but at the same time I do. Yeah. I kind of know where I’m going, but I’m making mistakes and just live in while I’m getting out here. So it’s fine. I love it. That’s amazing. Okay. Go ahead. Question three.

Okay. If you could do a love scene with anyone who would it be? Oh, my gosh. Okay. Right away. No hesitation, no sudden tonight. Oh, so he’s listening to this fingers crossed. That’s my guy. Yeah. I love, love, love to all the boys. That was my favorite movie. Okay. Yeah. So, no, Centenario. Aye. Okay. So like realistically my [00:06:00] boyfriend, but if we’re talking celebrities, I’m going to go, I don’t even know his actual name, but the guy from kissing booth, he plays with Noah Flynn.

Oh yeah. I don’t, I’ve never seen it, but like, I know who you’re talking about. Yeah. And he’s such a good actor too. Like, I feel like the scene would just be prime. Isn’t it? So we’ve got like the same vibe, like, okay, that’s good. Yeah. Like realistically though my boyfriend I’d feel the same way. , okay.

Yeah, that’s good. I love that. Alright, so question number four. If your life was in musical, what was the marquee sign? Say? Little bits. It’s hard. Okay. Probably just like, I don’t know, like setting goals and having fun or like dreaming and having fun or something. Yeah. I know. I don’t know. That is a tough question.

Yeah. I did not prepare for this, like at all, but you did. So I’m like I did a little bit, [00:07:00] um, I feel like if I was doing something, um, probably something about disabilities, I don’t know, something funny and like ironic, , I dunno, actually I just started it probably listen out for, because I’m deaf. Right.

But like that’s all it would be. I don’t know, something creative like that. I know. Yeah. I think like corny and ironic. I don’t know. That’s funny, but yeah. I don’t know. That would be funny just to like, have it like short and simple. I know. Yeah. Seriously. So just like something ironic. I don’t know. Um, but life of me, I don’t know.

Yeah. I have to think about that one for sure. Yeah. Um, I don’t know. Wow. That’s a tough one. Okay. Question. The hardest one. I know. Okay, go ahead. Um, what’s one thing people don’t know about you. Well, given the fact that I have a podcast, I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of people know a lot about me, but, , I don’t know.

Because when I was [00:08:00] answering it, it was hard because I was like, I am like active on social media. I’m an oversharer. So there’s not a lot that people don’t know. I know, I feel the same way. Um, Oh, I feel like. Oh, my gosh. I’m actually struggling with this one. Oh, okay. I don’t talk about this a lot, but I don’t drink anything except water.

That is the only thing I drink. That’s crazy. I don’t drink coffee. I don’t drink tea. I only drink water. Well, okay. I occasionally get vanilla bean frappuccinos from Starbucks, but on a daily basis, I’d only drink water breakfast dinner. Here’s a cup, my cup right here. That’s the only thing I drink. Um, yeah.

So I guess I heard to talk about that. Yeah. Yeah, I like, I hate soda. I cannot stand soda. I wish I was like that. It makes me feel sick. I think I was like being without it for like six years or something. So yeah, I can’t stand it. I sometimes wish I liked it, but like it’s gross. It’s [00:09:00] better to have more water than.

Not enough water. It’s so true. I like trying to drink like so many of these a day. And plus it’s like such a fun cup and a straw, a straw makes everything better. It really does. You drink a lot more from it because it’s just like easier to take a sip. It really is so true. All right. So that’s me. What about you?

This one? I feel like a lot of people don’t know. I hate shopping alone. Like if I want to run to Marshall’s, I will like text everyone I know, and be like, will you please come with me? Like, please come with me. And then when people don’t, I don’t go, like, I will not go to the store by myself. I love that. I hate shopping by myself.

Cause sometimes like, I don’t know what I’m looking for. And I just looked really helpless. And like wandering around the aisles and like, what is happening? People probably be, think like, I’m crazy. Like, like I’m just like staring into the air. Like when I want to buy, I can’t stand it. That is funny. Well, if I lived closer, I’d come because I like shopping, [00:10:00] but I like can’t do it alone.

Like you said, exactly. Like I shop all the time and like, I feel like with my Instagram, like I’m always posting new stuff and everything. So I feel like people would think like, Well, she’s always at the store, but like, unless someone can go with me, I’m not going. I know. And even like when I’m at the store, I hate doing regular checkout.

I always have to be self checkout. Oh, yeah. It’s like a big fear, especially with maths right now. And like, not being able to hear people I’m like, I’ll just go. Yeah. Yeah. It’s difficult. And I even like, I just like hate not seeing people’s facial expression. I’m like, are they, are they like ready to communicate with me?

Are they like, not in the mood? Like what do I do so true. So, yeah, right now with quarantine, I’m just like, I’m just not going to go to this. But if I do, I have to bring my siblings with me because I’m going to die. I’m not doing this right now, but my uncle, like CVS just installed, um, self-checkout booths.

And I’m like, so happy right now. That is so nice. So happy right now. So that was just like a long [00:11:00] winded story, but yeah, that’s so true. So, yeah, that’s cool. Okay. I love that. Okay. Number six. What’s your wake up ritual. Honestly mine currently, like during the school year, it’s a lot more like get out of bed, get ready, be productive.

But right now I just will like lay in bed. Beyond my phone, which is like so bad. And like, I shouldn’t be doing it, but I just can’t help myself. No, I know. I feel the same way. Like I always roll over, check my phone, check for the emails and stuff. Um, and then I’ll usually put my phone down, rolling over, go back to sleep and then I’ll get out.

Yeah. I just like, I’ll be like, Oh, okay. I’ll go on to dr. Like 10 minutes and then I like looked and it’s an hour later and I’m like, Oh, okay. I need to get up. I think I know this is bad, but I don’t have tech talk. So I don’t like understand how people like fall down the rabbit hole, but then again, like Instagram, When they post tech talks in there, I guess like, that’s how I get exposed, but like, yeah, I dunno.

That’s so funny. I usually check my [00:12:00] calendar too, to see what meetings I have for the day. Um, and then I’ll decide how much time I have to get ready. It’s usually five minutes before my meeting, which is fine. Cause I’m, I’m only wearing like a nice shirt and so what am I doing? Drama pants. So, you know, whatever, but I don’t have as much as a wakeup ritual as most of the time.

Yeah, I don’t, it really depends on the day. Like if I’m going somewhere, it will be a lot more scheduled and routine. But if I just like staying at home all day, it’s like, when I feel like getting ready, I’ll get up and get ready. Absolutely. Hashtag quarantine life for sure. Okay. So seven. Yeah, that’s pretty much the same thing.

Um, what’s your go to bed ritual? I have a lot more of a go to bed ritual than I do for waking up. Um, I was just actually talking about this with Bailey last, um, Well, by the time you guys listened to this week’s episode. Um, but yeah, like I love my nighttime routine. Um, there’s no like specific [00:13:00] time for things, but like it’s usually after dinner, just like kinda finish up work for the day and then, um, sit down to watch parks and rec or whatever show we’re binging right now.

Um, And this is so funny, but I have something called Pressel time. I always eat pretzels before I go to bed. Oh my gosh. So funny. So falls between like 10 and 11. Um, Just have a couple of pretzels before I go to bed. Um, and then I’ll come up and like mash my teeth and like take myself a minutes before I go to bed and stuff.

But yeah. But pencil time is key. I cannot go down. It’s so funny. That’s something else people don’t know about me. Yeah. It’s personal times and they have to be, um, Snyders, snaps pretzels. Um, I’m weird like that. So specific. I love it. I know, but if there’s anything else, like it just does not taste the same.

They’re so good. Anyway, that’s weird. Okay. Um, so mine, mine definitely is like more. Schedule [00:14:00] that night. I don’t have like times, but like, I’ll come upstairs. Do my stink hair, whatever, lay in bed, journal read. And then I fall asleep, either watching YouTube videos or right now Grey’s anatomy. And then I end up staying up until like, Three, if I’m watching Grey’s anatomy, because you just can’t stop hitting next episode.

I know you just fall into this deep dark hole and it’s crazy. And then, yeah, but that’s like my favorite part. I’ll like, if I’m busy throughout the day, I’m like, I can’t wait to go home and watch Grey’s. I just want him to know, I feel the same way. Like I look forward to sitting down at night watching TV.

Um, I haven’t watched Grey’s in like, Three years. I think, I think I stopped watching it sophomore year of high school. Yeah. Like my own surgeries. I was like, this is disgusting. And I can’t watch this anymore. It is like very Dory, but I, I watched it in high school and then during quarantine, my sister texted me and she was like, I’m rewatching, grays.

And I was like, I need to do that. Now I’m on season six and I’m [00:15:00] moving. Oh my gosh. Did you hear about the whole thing with Kobe? It’s like, they’re planning on making a Caesar. I think that’s so crazy. I think it’s actually like pretty cool for them to address that. I’m like, I’m waiting to see like how they address it, like from their perspective, you know what I mean?

Yeah. I think it’s going to be really cool. And I think too, like, it’ll be informative because I know obviously like Grey’s anatomy, isn’t like. Realistically what it’s like when you’re in the hospital and stuff, but I think it it’ll maybe make it kids more willing or like people watching it more willing to like, understand what’s going on in the world right now.

I think that’s like pretty genius move on their part and like, yeah, they, can’t not, it’s like one of the biggest, like. Medical historical things. Right? Like it it’s a big thing right now. Yeah. So I think I said that was really cool. And my friend and I were talking about it the other day, so I’m like, I guess I have to watch that when the season comes around, for sure.

You know, I kept up with it once. Like the first set of actors aren’t were on the show anymore. I stopped [00:16:00] watching. I know, I know. I felt so sad. Um, I think that’s right around when I stopped watching it too. Um, I think I, I got as far as like, The plane scene without knowing it for people. I’m like trying not to give stuff away, but that was like, that was the end for me.

So too. Yeah. So maybe a little, maybe I’ll go back to watching it. Um, cause it’s been a few years since I’ve had surgery. It’s but it’s so gross. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Um, question number eight. What’s your favorite time of day? Definitely like 10:00 AM to one, like not too early in the morning, but like before my midday slump, that’s like, I feel like those are my most productive hours.

Like lunchtime kind of. Yeah. I feel the same way. Um, I love like getting up between like eight and 10, um, because it feels like, so the world isn’t quite up yet. Um, especially like errands to run. Like I love getting them done in the morning. Um, but like you said, like the mid day slump is [00:17:00] painful. Um, so, and then I also love between like, Seven and 10 at night, like those are my two, cause that’s always like my me time, like my time by myself.

So I do like, love that it’s getting darker and the sunsetting and it’s just like really nice. Um, and just like finishing up dinner and stuff. So I don’t know. Yeah. That’s fun. Okay. Question nine. Um, dream country to visit. Ooh. Um, I would have to say Greece for sure. Oh, I’ve been there. I love it. Really. I, that is like my dream to go to Greece, especially like mamma Mia, ish.

Five’s my favorite. Yeah. Movie, everything Broadway show all literally my favorite. I’d say Greece and then quickly followed by like Italy and London and stuff. So yeah, just Europe in general, right? Yeah. I went on a trip in high school to Europe and we went to Rome and Athens Greece, and it was. So fun.

Like if [00:18:00] anyone can ever go there, I highly recommend it because probably like the best experience of my life so far. I want to like, cause I studied ancient Roman ancient Greece in high school and just like knowing all the history that I do, like it would be so cool. Yeah. Like making it real. Oh yeah, for sure.

Just all the Wars and stuff that went on there. Like it’s really cool. Or like I’m like a Fisher in or so, no, I completely agree. Yeah. I think it’d be cool to go to the Maltese. I don’t know why I think that, but just like all the pictures I’ve seen, it looks so pretty. And like, you know, it’s not like a typical place for people to go.

So I feel like it would just be cool to visit there for a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like the little like unconventional places, like are super cool. Um, Actually, like, I kind of want to go to Africa too, like so far. And like, if you’ve ever been to Disney world in Florida, yes. Have you been on soaring before?

I have not. Oh my gosh. Okay. So the next time you’re able to [00:19:00] go, um, it’s just like this virtual ride where you can go back, basically fly through like really cool places and they have smells and like sounds to make you feel like you’re flying through there. Um, and so one of my favorite places was flying through Africa.

Cause you can smell the dirt and like the sand and. So cool. The mud and stuff in the grass. Like that was one of my favorite experiences. Um, and then like going through ’em. Where else Hawaii, you get like the smell of like the, um, like that was cool. Um, my gosh, it’s crazy. What technology can do? I know. Oh, I swear.

Like, you feel like you’re actually there and then like, and then there’s one more year, like the Taj Mahal and stuff, and you just smell Jasmine and just like, it’s ridiculously cool. So that’s why I always like, had this weird, like affection for Africa, I guess. Yeah. My brother was actually supposed to go on a service trip there this summer.

Um, and then they got canceled cause of so bad. That is like, [00:20:00] that’s like the biggest, like the main thing I feel bad about is like people that had like these huge things planned for summer. It’s gone now, so, so sad. But anyway, yeah. So either Greece, um, somewhere in Europe or Africa, so, yeah. Okay. Question number 10.

What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had. Okay. So my siblings, my sister’s eight years older than me and my brother’s 10 years older than me. So when they were in college, I was like in elementary school. And so they would surprise me all the time. Like I never knew when they were coming home from school.

And so it was just so, so cool to like, Come home one day. And like, my brother was home or like, I was like one morning, I think I was in fourth grade and I was like walking to the bus and my brother pulled in the driveway and he was like, get in, we’re going bowling. And I was like, I’m supposed to be at school.

And he was like, no, we’re going bowling. Okay. Yeah. And he was in the military for a little bit too. So like, especially then when he would [00:21:00] surprise me, like it was even cooler because the chances of them visiting home, like aren’t as high. So I just was like constantly surprised by them and I loved it.

Amazing. That’s so cool. Um, well I’m the oldest, so like, I don’t really have like other people surprising me, but. This is going way back. I think when my sister was born, so my youngest sister, she is 12 now. Um, but when I was eight, she was born and I didn’t know that my mom was like in labor, I guess. Cause I was at school, like I had no idea.

And so I remember getting off the bus and seeing my grandfather at the bus station or the bus stop there. And I was like, Oh my gosh, my mom’s had the baby. And so like, she always was surprised us, like with gender stuff until we got to the hospital. Um, and so I had no idea, like the whole way there. I was like, is it going to be a boy?

It’s going to be a girl. Um, so like that, I think it was like one of the biggest surprises is that that’s like [00:22:00] the one time I actually remember like one of my siblings being born. Um, so that was definitely fun, but that was like, That was over 10 years ago. So it was a long time ago. Yeah. A little surprised that this has been happening because that was definitely like the biggest yeah.

But that was super fun. And so all of a sudden key, I love how your sister and brother like come home and like, yeah. I always wished I had younger siblings because I’m the youngest. So I’ve never experienced like having a new baby in the family. So I wish, I mean, I have my niece and nephew, but like.

You’re not the same. I know, I know. I mean, I’m the oldest of four, so I have one brother and then two younger sisters. , but like, we’re kind of all like spread out in terms of like agencies South, but, , next year, my brother and I will both be in college. My sister will be in high school and my younger sister will be in middle school.

So like we’re all kind of just in different stages of life. Yeah. Which is super fun. Um, but like I never got to experience like having older siblings too. That’s funny. I love it. [00:23:00] Okay. Question number 12 or 11. I forget something like that. I think at some heels or flats slash sneakers. Ooh. Okay. On a daily basis, I’d say like, probably like.

Flip flops, sneakers, I guess. Um, I like live during the winter time in my converse, like I live in, um, but during the summer, like flip flops or Birkenstocks, for sure. Yeah. They’re so fun and just literally wear them every second. I know my friends used to call them like Jesus sandals. So it was like pretty, pretty true.

Okay. Yeah. So what about you? Yeah, I would say Birkenstocks and air force ones. Oh, I don’t have those yet. Do you like them? I okay. So I had a pair of air force ones and I loved them. And then I, they were like dirty getting a little too small. So I was on shoe carnival one day and I found these shoes.

They’re called [00:24:00] Nike low court vision. And they’re basically like the only difference is that there’s no, like the soul is a little bit smaller. Yeah. And it’s a $60 cheaper, like air force ones are a hundred dollars and these Nike shoes are 40. And I was like, I’m going to get those. So now I wear those all the time and it’s like the same vibe, same look, but at a deal.

And so you’re going to get a pair and get those instead because it’s, it’s literally the same. Yeah. Yeah. I like I’ve been wanting a pair, but I just didn’t know if like they were worth it to get drop that money on, so. Okay. I’m definitely gonna check those out because I wasn’t to like up my shoe game. I wish many shoes though, right?

Um, yeah, that’s cool. Okay. Definitely go check that out. Awesome. Okay. I’ve lost track of how many questions we have. So whatever the next one is vintage or new. So I like, I love vintage. I love the look of it, but like it’s a lot easier to get new things. Like it’s [00:25:00] hard to find the perfect thing in vintage.

So like, I would, I would get vintage, but I’m too lazy. So I would, yeah, that’s true. I think in terms of like, Decorations and stuff. My advice tends to be more boho. So like, I like anthropology, but their stuff is just so expensive and I can’t drive. So I would say, um, my mom is like insanely vintage. Like our house is so vintage. 

, Like farmhouse, is she kind of, but in terms of clothes new, for sure. Like, I need to have like the new style and that kind of thing. Um, so yeah, like target just in target, like that’s. Oh, literally I love target, so good. Okay, go ahead. Next one. Um, who do you want to write your obituary? This question a little dark.

I hate this question. , I don’t know. I think, I guess like if I’m [00:26:00] older and married, like my husband, but if it were now probably like my family as like a unit, I guess, I don’t know. I think they’re more than anybody. Like they’re the only people that know the most about me. , so yeah, I’d say that, but I hate that question like that.

Yeah. Like I don’t want to think about it if I have to. Same, like in the future, my husband, but like, if it were to be right now, which like, I don’t want to think about that, but, , probably like my mom, my sister, dad, you know, just like in my immediate family together. Absolutely. Yeah. I think that’s like, I don’t know.

It’s a hard thing to think about, but listening to this right now, um, it down the road that happens like good luck. Yeah. That’s so weird. Okay. Style icon. Um, Kendall Jenner. Really? I like that. I just, she’s so simple. Like her style is so simple and I love it. Yeah. I [00:27:00] don’t know. That was like, I don’t know. I would have to say, um, I kind of just like, get a mix of different people, but if I have to say Daniel, Carolyn, we were just talking about her.

Her style was like, kind of cool. And just like, kind of. Just like modern, but it’s also got like some sort of flare to it. So yeah. I don’t know. I don’t really have like one specific person, like, I’d say Pinterest is my style. Seriously. I’m on that every morning. It’s so hard to like choose one person because like some days, like I’m feeling like the athletes, your luck and some days like I’m feeling a little more Jessie, so I dunno, but interests for sure.

Um, But if I had to choose, I’d say Danielle, Caroline. Yeah. Yeah. I do love her vibes. She’s cool. Yeah, for sure. Um, what’s one ingredient you put in everything. Oh, okay. Salt. Probably [00:28:00] me too. Okay. Nothing can ever have enough salt, like yeah. Which is like, it’s like unhealthy, but I love it. I know tastes good without it.

I know my parents could dump the whole thing in there and be like, Nope, it doesn’t have enough. Like it needs more. But depending on the like food item, garlic powder. It’s weird, but I have to have garlic powder, like on pizza and like on most things, I don’t think I’ve ever tried that it’s really, I mean, like, unless like my family has put it in things, but like I’ve never personally like, just put it on it.

That’s like pasta. Try it. It’s everything. It’s so good. Um, yeah, garlic powder, but so mostly salt. Um, yeah. Salt on bagels is really good too. I’ve never tried that either. If you just have like a butter bagel, just put salt on it, it just adds an extra kick. That’s really good. Um, like my [00:29:00] favorite types of bagels are everything bagels, which are really good.

Right. So, yeah. I’d definitely say salt or garlic powder for sure. Yeah, I know. I love it. Okay. Um, Ooh. What three people living or dead would you like to bake dinner for? Uh, Audrey Hepburn. I love her. Yeah. Same and Hannah Montana, which like Miley Cyrus, but Hannah Montana, like not actually, like, I mean, she’s real, but like, you know, but I know what you mean.

Like the pastor heard mine. Yeah. I feel that I love Audrey Hepburn. She’s so cool. Yeah. And then probably Michelle Obama. Okay, cool. I like that. Yeah, I’m trying to thanks. Um, well, I don’t know. I think like some sort of like cool person, woman. I don’t know. [00:30:00] I usually, like, I would say Bible characters, like, it’d be kinda cool to like, have with like, I don’t know, I’d say Jesus.

I don’t know

. Living I’d have to say . That’s a tough question. All right. I’m just gonna add pepper into the list because I like her a lot. Um, and, or Jennifer Anniston. Oh, I love her. I love friends and I’d have to say to her, I’m looking at her picture on my, on my wall of the poster.

Um, so yeah, Jennifer Aniston too. Um, but like nineties, her like friends, Virginia of her. Right. Um, so yeah, definitely her. Yeah. I don’t even, I probably like skipped one on it and add it, whatever accounting. What’s your biggest fear in life. Oh, okay. Bailey and I were just talking about this on last week’s episode, biggest fear in life.

Um, two things, one a [00:31:00] bug crawling on me while I’m sleeping. And the other thing is getting sick. I mean, if I had like a cold. Okay. But like, stomach’s like, no, thank you. Right. And the claustrophobia. I cannot be. I hate claustrophobia. Um, it’s so bad. So yeah. What about you? Um, mine is just bugs in general. I can’t stand them.

I’m literally 18 years old and will call my dad on my phone to come upstairs and kill a bug. If I see one, like I am such a baby, I just cannot stand them. So why don’t we have like anything, like, it doesn’t even have to touch me, but if I see it, I like will leave the room. I hate it. I hate it. We have like a beetle infestation, like in our area right now.

Oh my gosh. They’re so gross. I would move. I know. I’m like, no, thank you. Oh my gosh. Like there’s some books I can stand like a Firefly or something like that. No gross ones. [00:32:00] Like. No. Thank you. No, no, no. BS B those either now. Cause they, they end up in my hair and like it’s scares me. Yeah. I can’t stand by.

Okay. Changing the subject, um, window or I’ll see it on a plane. I’m definitely a window girl. Me too. I like I’ve been claustrophobia. Like I, I liked the window, but I also think that I would like being on the aisle because it’s easier to like be on the outside and see. Right. Um, so yeah, that’s interesting.

Um, but I, like, I wish that they had windows for every seat. So you could like, see, I know for something like that, definitely. And honestly, I’d be fine with anything, but the middle seat. I don’t like the middle seat at all. I mean, either I had him, I had the middle fee on like the 13 hour flight one time and it was like the.

Luckily, like I knew the people next to me, so I was like, okay, it’s fine. But like, I still didn’t like it. No, no. Like my claustrophobia would [00:33:00] like, right, right. Yeah. That’d be like a huge issue. You’d have to be like, someone switched me right now. I know that is so true. When we went ,  to Florida last summer, I was like, I am claiming the IOC, right?

No matter what, like who my family on notice it. , I can’t, I can’t do that. , yeah. So claustrophobia is problem. Okay. Go ahead. Um, is it current TV, current TV obsession. So we just finished watching cheers, like the old eighties, nineties show. Um, that’s really good. Um, and so that just ended, so we had to like find another show to watch.

We’re kind of like rewatching parks and back right now. Um, But hopefully after that’s over, um, we’ll watch Frasier, which is like the continuation of the chair’s show her. Um, we like, we like old shows, [00:34:00] like I watched friends and like the office is not old, old, but like you got know, right. Um, yeah, maybe Seinfeld next or, um, what’s not a big bang theory.

I don’t know. Oh yeah. My dad watches that. Yeah. It’s a good show. Yeah. Um, so I’m watching Grey’s anatomy right now, which I love, but also I’m watching how to get away with murder, but I’m watching it like with my best friend. So we’re not like watching it fast. It’s just let me hang out. And that’s really good too.

So I would say those two, like currently that’s cool. Yeah, but like I’d say of all of them, I have the most like. Friends merchandise. And like, I’m like the biggest fan of that more than anything. Um, other ones, the other ones, I was like, kind of just watching just to watch them. Um, so yeah, that’s cool. But currently it’s probably cheers or parks and rec for sure.

Okay. Favorite app Instagram? Definitely same. Sure. Yeah. Okay. Um, secret [00:35:00] Taylor, I’m a dancer. No. Uh, yeah, I’m sure I’m a ballerina. Um, I have been for, well, I stopped dancing for a while, but 15 years I’ve been dancing. Um, so yeah. Yeah. That’s so cool. My best. Friend’s a dancer too. And so like totally like understand that lifestyle.

It’s just crazy. Not a lot of people know the X thing. I mean like people from high school. No, but like, I don’t like do it as much anymore, but I was in like theater in high school and stuff. Oh, that’s cool. So, yeah, so that’s kind of like something that I don’t, I used to broadcast it a lot, but I don’t really anymore.

That’s really cool. I would have, I don’t think I would have passed off. Like you as a singer at all, you can’t like, just tell no, I figured like you’d be in fashion club or something in high school. Not seeing it. Yeah. I was, I was sharp PE in high school musical, my senior year. That’s like, literally the best part of high school is like, when I tell people that I just get so [00:36:00] happy and excited.

That’s amazing. I love that movie so much. Same. That’s so cool, but it’s funny. Cause like you have Brown hair, like how you feel. I bought a wig, like a bleach blonde wig. Yeah. But it was fun. Cause I liked kind of combined like the fashion part of theater, like sharp is like super, you know, in fashion and how she looks.

Yeah. So it was awesome. That’s so perfect for you. Okay. Um, mostly adventurous thing you’ve done in your life. Um, I would say that that Europe trip that I had mentioned earlier that was like probably the biggest thing. Yeah. Yeah. Um, it’s like a family. We, I think it was like a Sunday. We called down to Disney and said, Hey, we’re going to be there this week.

Do you guys have anything open for a hotel? And we left on Tuesday. Um, so that was super fun. Oh, fun. Yeah. I like not having a plan fun 20 hour drive ahead of us. Um, cause we drove instead of gosh, slow down. [00:37:00] Sorry. Yeah. So I think I was like, as a family, that was the most spontaneous thing we’ve ever done.

Um, but like by myself, I think like taking off, um, a semester without having any plan whatsoever, um, I think that was totally like. Just spontaneous for sure. I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing, but it’s okay with that. Yeah. There’s definitely really good decision to make, so, yeah. Okay. Next one. Um, how would you define yourself in three words?

Ooh, I don’t know. I’d yeah, I’d probably say I’m motivated. I’m loyal and. Understanding slash compassionate, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Those are good ones. I honestly like from how I know you, I would agree with those. Thank you. Yeah. Um, for mine, I would say energetic and determined and caring. I can see that for sure.

[00:38:00] You’re definitely very energetic. Yeah. Everyone is always like, Oh my gosh, you’re so loud and crazy. But I just, like, I don’t know. I just have a lot of, I, I feed off of like, Other people’s energy a lot. Oh yeah, for sure. I like, I’m a total party person when the time is right. If I’m just, yeah. Like I I’m, I’m an introvert, but I’m also an extrovert.

So like, it just depends on the day. Yeah. But yeah, I could totally see you being really energetic. I love it.  um, okay. Favorite piece of clothing that you own. Um, I have a pair of Levi, mom jeans, and I love them and I can’t stop wearing them that I feel the same, like American Eagle jeans. What like when the time is right during the fall.

Yeah. But I think come my converse too. I actually had to find right when I lost my shoe, I feel I have to go find it. Um, but yeah, I love like my American Eagle jeans. Um, They have like a sale, like last year that [00:39:00] I was like, I am buying as many as I could. Yeah. Their jeans are nice. I do love their jeans.

That’s like, that was like the only place I ever bought jeans from. Like the Levi’s that I just mentioned are like the only pair that I don’t have, or that aren’t American Eagle. Oh, really? That’s yeah. That’s cool. I’m gonna have to take those out because like when the time comes, I’m like, I might need more jeans, but then again, I don’t have too many, so yeah.

Okay. Um, yeah, go ahead. Must have clothing item. Everyone should have, I think like. Either justice say like a simple white or black sure. Like with everything. Yeah. Um, yeah, we’re just like a pair of blue jeans. Yeah. And even if they had like a few rips and stuff, like something that you can wear, like nonstop.

Yeah. Yeah. I’m like constantly wearing basics. Like I could I’ll wear the same shirt, like all the time, but I wear it with a different like pants or shirt or something. So like, I [00:40:00] would say like, just like a simple tank top, because like in the summer you can wear it regularly and then you can layer it in the winter.

So I think that is like something I just always have on. Absolutely. Like I have like this white, black shirts that I always wear. Um, cause you can just rotate it. Right. Um, Ooh. Okay. Super power. You would want, I would say, um, like being invisible. I was going to say that I don’t know. Like, if you ever get embarrassed, you can just like snap your fingers in here.

I would love that. I know that’s so true. Or I feel like by, on film. Oh, that’s always my thought. I feel like it would be, um, like being able to be in multiple places at once. Oh yeah. It’s like, that would be like the most productive one severely like multitask, you know what I mean? Yeah. That’d be awesome.

Cause it’s always so hard to like schedule things. I know, I know. Able to just be everywhere at one time would be [00:41:00] awesome. Okay. We are like, not even halfway through, so let’s do a line around, I’m just going to read them off and you’re just going to go down. So let’s see number, uh, whatever what’s inspiring you in life right now.

Um, people I surround myself with, I agree. Okay. Uh, best piece of advice you’ve received. Just live for yourself. I know. Just do it. Just be yourself. Yeah. Oh yeah. Okay. Uh, best advice you give your teenage self. Um, everything that happens in high school is basically irrelevant and stop letting everything get to you because it’s not important.

Exactly. High school is in the past and whatever you learn, you learn, but there’s so much more ahead of you for sure. Okay. 32, a book that everyone should read. Uninvited by Lisa TerKeurst. Yeah. Yeah. That’s a good one. I love that book. [00:42:00] Yeah. I’d say, um, the Bible, cause I’m, you know, just whatever. Um, but I feel like, um, yeah, let’s just go with the Bible.

I think everybody should read. Okay. With that. Yeah. Um, what would you like to be remembered for? Um, always being a good listener and just like. Not necessarily advice, but just being there to listen to people, vent and rant. Yeah, absolutely. I definitely think like my leadership skills, um, and just like guiding people in the right direction for sure.

Yeah. Um, how do you define beauty? Um, I would say like how you portray yourself, so like politeness and like acting the right way in the right situation and things like that. Yeah. I would say like, Um, of course like outside of beauty is something that everybody values. Um, but sometimes like you only feel beautiful if you tell yourself that you are and you like give off that vibe instead of putting yourself down because your body is [00:43:00] like a temple, like it’s something that was given to you for a reason.

Um, and so if you take care of yourself, then everybody else will respect it as well. So I thought that was cool. I loved that. Okay. What do you love most about your body? Um, this might be weird, but my arms really, no, just like very easy for me to like tell them when I’m working out. Like that’s just the body part that is like easy for me to keep up with.

So I love them. Yeah. I think my eyes for sure. Cause I have like blue eyes and stuff. Um, and I love wearing mascara. Right. So yeah, that’s good. I agree on the arms, like the, like the. I don’t know the chisel just strong luck. It just makes me feel happy. So, yeah. Um, okay. Best way to take a rest or decompress.

Um, journaling and meditating. Agreed. Agreed for sure. Um, favorite place to view art? I would just say like museums. Yeah. Yeah. I was gonna say actually like Instagram or Pinterest like [00:44:00] that too. I see. Like, so many people are just expressing their creativity on there and it like makes me really happy. Yeah, that’s cool.

Okay. Um, if life were a song, what would the title be? I didn’t know if like. When I was reading this question, if you’re supposed to like make one up, but I would say you’ll always find your way back home by Hannah Montana. I love that song. It’s so precious. Got it. Okay. I’d definitely say that. Or I feel like the climb by her to that too.

That’s like my Anthem. Yes. I love that one so much. Okay. If you could master one instrument, what would it be? Guitar? Definitely. Okay. Yeah. I played the piano for a long time, so definitely like really, really fine tuning my skills to be able to just like sight read and then just play. Right, for sure. But to guitar school, I’ve always wanted to learn that.

Um, okay. If you had a tattoo, where would it be? So I have two tattoos, one on my ribs and one on my back, but I am planning to get one [00:45:00] above my elbow on the back of my arm. Oh, okay. Yeah. So I think there, I mean, like, I want to get one there, but that would be like my dream spot, I think. Yeah, that’s pretty cool.

Um, I think like either on my wrist, um, or actually like behind my ear or something like that. Um, cause I was actually planning on getting like a no sound sign or something behind my year, um, before I had surgery. But yeah, that’s so cool though. Yeah, my dream, but probably like on my wrist or just like on my hand or something, I don’t know.

Yeah. Um, dolphins or koala. I mean both but dolphins. I think so too. I think that’s so cute. Haley and I were talking about this last week too. What’s your spirit animal? Um, cheetahs. Really that’s cool. I just think they’re so majestic. I love it. Yeah. We decided that I was a peacock because I was going to say I was going to be a Swan, but I’m not always graceful because I was telling her that like I had this cut on my leg from the [00:46:00] dishwasher.

So my gosh, how that got there? I don’t know, but she’s like, peacocks are graceful, but they’re not. So it was like bags like that. That’s fun. Yeah. Okay. So yeah, peacock for sure. Best gift gift you’ve ever received. Um, I got a gas luggage set for Christmas one year and I love it and use it all the time.

That’s awesome. Yeah. Best gift I’ve ever received. Probably okay. This would sound really cheesy, but each time I got my implant surgery, um, and then when they got activated to get to get to hearing, you know, Oh, that’s so cool though. It’s like, it’s nice though. Yeah. Yeah. It’s like TD. Well, one was right around Christmas time, um, slash my birthday.

So that was like really cool. And that was my first time. Yeah. Um, so yeah, I definitely say the gift of hearing for sure. Um, but it’s like, it’s kinda cheesy, but yeah, I love it. Okay. Best gift you’ve ever given. I like love making [00:47:00] people thing. So just like anything homemade, because then I like making it and give it to someone.

So feel, I don’t think I can pick one thing because like each time it’s been sentimental for there, hasn’t been like one thing more than so. Yeah. I completely agree. Okay. What’s your favorite board game? The game of life. Me too. I love it. Yeah. I love it. It’s so much fun. So fun. I know. Okay. What’s your favorite color, baby blue.

I like blue. Um, more towards like the turquoise is. Yeah, but yeah, baby blue is pretty too, um, least favorite color. Red. I have a red car, but I do not like color red. That’s like, I think like my car looks good in red, but like wearing red and stuff. I just, I just like it doesn’t vibe with me. Really? Yeah. I have to say probably like Brown.

I don’t like Brown. Yeah. I mean like, okay, this is [00:48:00] really embarrassing, but I used to have a pink and Brown room. It was like, it was like a thing. No, it totally, my sister was like obsessed with pink and Brown for the longest time now. Like, it looks pretty, but like I just, Brown does not look good. Yeah. At all.

It’s just like a weird color. Yeah. I agree. It is a little awkward color diamonds or pearls. Diamonds me too. I have actually both are now diamonds and pearls earrings, but I think diamonds for sure. Yeah. Um, okay. Drugstore, makeup or designer. I like love designer, but it’s just more realistic for me to say drugstore because they can’t afford.

Sometimes I know I have like Maybelline, like stuff like that. Um, and it does the job, you know what I mean? It works. It does. Um, okay. Blow Jaya, Jaya. Air-dry yeah. With curls, for sure. Air jive, but for my, like, if I’m like straightening my hair, I have [00:49:00] to blow dry it, otherwise it’ll dry fairly, so right. Yeah.

My hair just gets really like frizzy and poofy when I blow dry it. So I just have flooded air dry. Absolutely. Um, okay. Next one. Um, is Pilates or yoga? Yoga? Okay, cool. That’s coffee or tea? Coffee. Okay. Yeah. Um, what’s the weirdest word in the English language. I can’t stand the word moist. I feel the same.

That word. I know. It’s like, like just saying it made me cringe is so weird. Okay. Um, dark chocolate or milk chocolate. Definitely milk chocolate. Okay. Um, stairs were elevator. Elevator just because I’m lazy. [00:50:00] I know what I’m feeling about. It is weird, but at Christmas time I love taking the elevator. I don’t know why, like, it’s just something about like going through the stores and stuff.

Um, yeah, I agree. Okay. Um, let’s see us summer or winter. Um, I like winter, I think maybe because I’m from the North. Yeah. I feel the same, like winter. Yeah. I don’t know. I do like how I get tan in the summer, but, but I cannot stand the heat. Like it’s just hard. Yeah. Yes, same. Okay. If you’re stuck on an Island and you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired, what would you eat?

Mac and cheese. Really? I love it. Oh. I like go through phases of liking it, but also not. So, yeah. Um, I’d have to say either chicken or Mac and cheese, not Mac and cheese. Wait, no. Um, [00:51:00] pizza. Yeah. I do love a good pizza and there’s some times where I’m just like, I could get tired of it. So I don’t know. Yeah.

I’d have to say chicken, cause there’s just so many different ways to cook it. It’s just good. Yeah. That totally makes sense. Or French fries. I love price. They’re so good. Okay. Yeah. What is it dessert? You don’t like take really? Yes. Okay. We can’t be friends talking today. I know. Like, I think it’s because I don’t like frosting.

Oh, it just like makes me not want to eat cake. I agree. I agree. Like sometimes too much frosting is too much. Yeah. There was a dessert that I don’t like. Um, I’d have to say like, Oh, I feel like cranberry light is just weird. Like I agree with that too. I don’t know, but like fancy sounding there’s there’s something about it that I just don’t.

Um, Or anything with peanut butter and like, I’m like meth. Like, I don’t [00:52:00] love it, but I eat like, I’ll eat like PB and J, but like, I won’t be like things with, with peanut butter and I’m like, um, okay. A skill you’re working on mastering. I’ve always wanted to try calligraphy, but I’ve just never been started.

So like I’m far away from mastering it, but yeah. It’s so fun. Yeah, the same for me. I’m just kind of like working on like perfecting and fine tuning skills like that, like that. Yeah. Um, okay. Best thing to happen to you today. Oh, I had a really great coffee this morning. It’s still early. So I haven’t, this is my first thing that I’ve done, but I had a good coffee.

That’s good. I don’t like coffee. I mean, I’m gonna say this. I’ve never tried coffee, so I can’t say that I don’t like it, but yeah, I mean, but again, it’s only 12 o’clock so like, yeah, there’s not much to have happened today, but I think like recording twice. Two podcast episodes in one day. [00:53:00] That’s bad. Okay.

Worst thing to happen to you today. I did burn myself with my curling iron this morning. Oh no, I dropped it on my toe, which like, I don’t like it. This, the scariest thing is when you drop something hot. But I just like, I didn’t move. Like I don’t, I could have just stepped backwards and it wouldn’t have hit me.

I don’t know. I think it was cause it was too early for me to like process the fact that I was about to get her. I don’t know. That’s amazing. Um, worst thing to happen. I want to say worse, but like I wanted to fall back to sleep, but I couldn’t cause I had a meeting, so I was, my eyes were heavy and I was like, no, wake up.

Like you have to wake up. So yeah, that was sad. Um, Okay. Best compliment you’ve ever received my eyes. Really? Yeah, me too. Yeah. Like, cause I like, I like blue ice blue eyes. Yeah. I don’t know. That’s a hard one. Cause I feel like I’ve gotten so many like [00:54:00] nice ones that I can, right. Yeah. Okay. Favorite smell cinnamon.

Really? Yeah. I like that. Yeah. I like, okay. So I like sending in, in the fall. And during the summer, I like the smell of orange and Rosemary. It’s really good. Cause we do like diffuse, essential oils and seven my house. Like we always come with like the coolest combinations, but orange is like one of my favorites.

Smells and signs. Yeah. Um, okay. Hugs or kisses hug me too. Okay. If you made a documentary, what would it be about. There is I think, well, I know of one, but I think there’s probably more, but definitely like sustainable fashion and like the negative parts of fast fashion. Cause people only see like the, Oh, I can get the shirt for $5, but like there’s a lot of bad sides to that.

And so I would just wish people were more educated on it. That’s really interesting. Yeah. Definitely have to like read up on that as well. Yeah. [00:55:00] If I made one, it probably would be about like my hearing loss journey and stuff. Um, there was kind of like unconventional a little bit. Um, I’ve always like, thought about doing that, so hopefully like, yeah.

I’ll watch it. Yeah. Okay. Last piece of candy 10, you consumed that made you cry. I watched the last song yesterday and I sobbed like a baby. Really? I’ve never seen it before. Oh, you need to watch it. It’s on Disney plus if you have that. Okay. Yeah, because it is so good. I don’t know. I’m not a very emotional person when it comes to like, Content, I guess, um, I will say, okay, wait, if going back a little bit.

I think in like September I was leaving like an appointment and it was just like really hit me hard. And I was listening to like one of my favorite worship songs and I just bawled my eyes out. What is happening to me right now. But I will say that was like, October November. So it’s been awhile. It’s been awhile for sure.

Yeah. But that’s cool. [00:56:00] I’ll have to add that maybe to my list to watch as well. It’s so good. Oh, I love it. Okay. Um, lipstick or lip gloss? Lip gloss. Yeah, me too. I will say lip balm, but it’s not on the list. I’m on the karmic girl. Yeah. Oh really? I’m just a drastic man. I love it. Yeah. Okay. Sweet or savory. I think so too.

I have a sweet tooth, but sometimes it just gets to be too much. Right. And do it. Okay. Girl crash. Celebrity girl crash. We’ll do that one. Michelle Obama. Really? I just like, I love the way she just acts like, he’s just so professional and like her and I just love it. Yeah. Yeah. I will say right now, Sophia Carson is such a good actress.

Yeah. Her new movie feel to be on Netflix. If you haven’t watched it. I, I have watched it. It’s very good. It’s so good. She started it and I was like, this is going to be so corny, but it’s actually not good. Yeah, it’s so good. [00:57:00] And I just think she’s really cool and very professional. Um, and just like, well put together, I guess.

Yeah. I don’t think girl crush girl crush as like someone I would want to like be, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, okay. How do you know you’re in love? Um, I, this is like so corny, but when a person becomes home instead of a place. Oh, that’s so sweet. Yeah. I love that though. I know you just like, kind of feel that connection to them, um, that, like, you can’t really explain, but you can just have dealt with it, like yep.

That’s who they are. So yeah, 100%. That’s so sweet. Okay. Um, song you can listen to on repeat wasting all these tears by CASPI Pope. I’ve never heard of that as a, you need to listen to it. It’s so good. It’s like really sad, but it’s just powerful and good. And I love it. I don’t know. I have a bunch, but I will say, um, a song that would probably like never [00:58:00] fail.

It’s like what a beautiful name by Hillsong worship or, um, I don’t know. Pretty much like any worship song, honestly, or come to the alter or something. I don’t know, but yeah, that’s good. Um, okay. If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? Um, I would say Brooke Michio, just because I’m in New York now and I, you know, fun.

She’s cool. Um, yeah. Who would I switch lives with for a day? I don’t know. I think one of like any utuber like somebody that’s like, that’s cool and like lives a fun life, right? Yeah. I agree with that. Yeah. Yeah. Um, what are you most excited about at this time in your life? Um, my boyfriend is coming to visit on Friday cause we, he lives two and a half hours away.

So that’s like always been exciting in the summer. Like when the week is coming, we’re like we’re going to visit each other at the end. That’s like, that’s probably the most exciting thing right now. Do you do it every week? Um, we do it every other week, so we [00:59:00] see each other twice a month. Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah.

And then we’ll just like, one of us will drive each time. Do you guys go to the same school? Yeah. Okay. So you guys get to see each other during the summertime? Oh yeah. That’s okay. But like, I still like three months, but, um, okay. Hm. What is your go to for having a good laugh? Hey, Todd. I know I was going to say like some sort of YouTube video.

We’re just like, yeah. Honestly, putting on the office or parks and rec for sure. Have you watched a new girl? No, I need to know you should watch that because it’s so funny. I like that. It’s probably, I know I keep saying it, but it’s next to my list. Yeah. That, that I would watch to laugh too. Really? Okay.

Yeah. All right. I’ll have to do that too. Okay. So last question. Okay. What is your affirmation for today? Um, I always, every day I say, if God puts you to it, he [01:00:00] can get you through it. I love that. That’s one of the, basically like if it’s happening, you’re going to get through it. You’ll be because he told you it was happening.

So he’s going to have to be for sure. Um, yeah. My name is trusting the Lord with all of your hands. Yeah. It’s on my wall, you know, whatever it’s always there. Um, and every night, like I say, Jesus, I trust in you before I go to bed. And so yeah. To solve that test that. Yeah. So that was fun. I think that was so fun that it was like a long lightning round, but yeah, I was like, I figured we could just like talk about him first yeah.

And stuff. Um, but yeah, that was tough. It was fun. I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. To be honest, I forgot. We were even recording. Just having a conversation, just like chatting. I know. Um, so yeah. Makes you guys is follow Jamie on Instagram. What’s your, what’s your username. Um, it’s Jamie Hein, J a Y M E H E I N K.

I’ll link it down below so you guys can check her out to make sure you go follow her. [01:01:00] Um, and if you haven’t already make sure you’re following me and leave a rating and review on the podcast. Um, it’s always a good time here. Um, so yeah. Anyway, thank you so much for coming on the show I had

you knocked your first interview out of the park. I love it. You’re welcome. Yeah. So she’ll be back. Don’t worry. Um, and if there’s anybody else you guys want to see me, she should be a diorama because that’s always fun. And I want to be sure I’m doing what you guys want. Um, so yeah, anyway, have a great week and I will see you guys next time.
