Faith and Disabilities w/ Baylee Dunn

by | Jul 21, 2020 | Podcast

 . [00:00:00] Hello, you guys. What’s up. Welcome back to another episode of hear and now podcast. I am super excited for this week’s episode because this is the second week of guests and I have my best friend Baylee on say hi. Hi everyone. I’m super excited that she’s here. Um, we’ve been talking about this for like so long and.

Now that like my mom’s on the show, we can move into other guests. And I was like, I have to have Baylee on as my second guest. Um, so I’m super excited. Um, so Baylee, why don’t you tell you the, everybody a little bit about yourself and, um, we’ll just go from there. Okay. Hey everyone. My name is Baylee. I’m 21 years old.

I graduate from college in four weeks. Yeah. Yeah. I cannot wait. And I am the cofounder of Psalm one 39, 14 ministries, but Sophia and I met her through hope writers and she is just an absolute joy to be around. I love her. And 

[00:01:00] then. Um, I also have a blog and that’s pretty much all and one day I might start a podcast.

Yeah, I know. That’s amazing. Yeah. So  is our thing, um, honestly, like how did we even get to start that? Like, do you remember how we even came to that? I think I was going to read the Bible in a year and I asked. She didn’t read it with me. And you were like, yes. Sure. So a couple of days later you’ve texted me and you said, Hey, what if somebody else reads the Bible?

A lot of people read the Bible. It got started. Yeah. So we were originally like, Hey, let’s just do like a group of people. Cause I feel like there’s just so many groups out there that are specific to like one denominations and we’re like, let’s do it for every denomination of Christianity. Um, and so we got like going, when did we launch July 1st or wait the day before?

Yeah, we launched the day before. Cause we couldn’t wait.

 [00:02:00] It tells you why first? Oh yeah. That’s been going like really well. I love it so much. So Baylee’s our Instagram manager and our YouTube manager. Right. And I’m the Facebook group manager and stuff, and we work together and it’s super, super fun. Um, so if you’re out there listening to this and you haven’t joined yet, check out the link in the description below, um, it’s a good time over there.

Right? Very good time. I love it. Um, so yeah, so we met through hope writers. Um, how long have you been a member of hope writers? Um, since November of 2019. So not a very long time since like right before the conference. Yeah. So we joined probably about the same time then. Um, and it’s funny, cause you actually met my mom before you met me, right?

Yeah. Your mom at the hope writers conference and she was talking to us about you. And I was like, I want to meet her. 

[00:03:00] So immediately at the end of the whole Friday’s conference, I messaged you on Facebook. And I was like, Hey, I met your mom. She’s really cool. I remember that that was crazy. So we started on things, Facebook messenger, and like, we would chat like intermittently and then like, I guess it was actually right after, like COVID started getting kind of crazy that we started chatting more and more.

Um, and then I’m like, okay, fine. We’ve been friends long enough. Here’s my phone number. So we text, we text every day. I love it. So that’s but it’s cool. Cause like we’re one of the younger, like members of hope writers, um, And so you, you know, we’ve chatted about a lot of writing stuff and you know, you’re like, I’m going to start a podcast too.

So like just so many things in common. Um, I love it so much. And so what is one of the other things that, um, kind of unites us besides our faith and hope writers? What else do we have in common? Um, well, we each have disabilities, so [00:04:00] that’s one thing that kind of. Unites us and draws us together a little bit more.

Yeah, that’s true. 

So, What about your disability? Tell me a little bit about that. So, Oh girl, I have several.

So I had a stroke at birth. Um, it’s called an anoxic stroke, so I lost all the oxygen. And the blood flow to my brain. And that stroke caused me to have cerebral palsy, which that’s a neurological condition that messes with your muscles and your balance and coordination and things like that. And then a few years ago, two years ago today, actually I was hospitalized.

For a mental health condition that at the time we couldn’t figure out what the diagnosis was. We had no idea. And then in October of 2019, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder with psychotic features. And, um, I also have a [00:05:00] visual impairment, so I can’t see anything to my left or my right. Without, um, turning my head or me without looking down.

So if someone gets on my nerves, I’m disliked step to my right or the left, or don’t want to talk to you. Not really rolling down the stairs, my business

in my life, such a positive twist on it. I’ve actually cried. That is so funny. Wow. Be a 70 bothers me. I’ll just turn my batteries off. Cause I will be able to hear that. I didn’t even think of mine to just stick to my right. That’s so funny. I’m sorry for everybody listening to those. It’s just us laughing through this whole thing this whole time.

Oh my gosh. That is so funny. Okay. So you’ve got a lot of stuff going [00:06:00] on. I got a lot of stuff going on. Um, so what is one of the things that I would say was positive coming out of, you know, all of this stuff that you had to deal with over your life? I think the most positive thing that I’ve learned from everything that I’ve been through, it’s just to cling to Jesus.

Absolutely. And just, just, um, make sure that you’re following him through everything. Yeah. I mean, I know for sure. And I’m sure you can testify as well that when life gets hard, sometimes you don’t even think to think of the intangible things like God and Jesus. And it’s hard because you’re just like, I just want to just get through this.

And the only way that you actually can get through it is just by going to Jesus and asking for him to help you and just trusting in his plan. And it’s super hard. Like I know for me, I’m like, why me? Like, I’m sure. You’re really saying like, why me? Why did I have to have all [00:07:00] this stuff happened to me? For sure, but it’s just like, it’s all part of God’s plan.

And one of our founding verses of Psalm one 39 is Psalm one 30, nine, 14. I praise you for I’m fearfully and wonderfully made. Each of us is made in the image and likeness of God with all of our imperfections and all of our brokenness and. Just that’s what makes us beautiful to quote one direction.

That’s what makes you beautiful?

yeah, please. Just like, it’s so hard to think. Okay. Why, why do I have to go through all the stuff? I’m sure. People, the entire world is thinking of that right now in 2020. Like why do we have to go through all this right now? But it’s for a good and better player. Whether that’s reveal to us like now, or 20 years in the future, um, we’re all gonna come together and be like, that’s why, because it’s to get to glory of God [00:08:00] and to get to have it in the end.

Right. So it’s all part of the good plan, right guys. Um, so speaking of Jesus, um, do you have a testimony story that you would like to share? So I do have a testimony story. Um, I came to know the Lord and in junior high school, I had a friend that invited me to church camp and I went with her. And pretty much the next day I accepted Christ and that next weekend I was baptized.

So I pretty much immediately knew that I wanted Jesus in my life. Um, and that was the best decision I ever made. Um, there’s been some difficulties in my life, as I’ve mentioned, and they’ve like really made me clean to Jesus. And one of those was the hospitalization for my mental illness. Um, I was at rock bottom.

I didn’t know what was going on. I was confused dealing with [00:09:00] some diligent steel on Western hallucinations and crazy things like that, that, that happened to me. Um, so I, yeah, I just was confused and all I wanted, but she just. And that’s when I really started taking my faith seriously, because I believed that if he brought me through all of that he had.

Yeah, absolutely. And what’s the saying what you go through you’ll grow through. Right. So you’re going to become a better person because you go through all of this stuff. Um, that’s awesome. So before you kind of found Jesus, what was, what was it like for you. To like all this stuff, but not really have something to cling to.

I think for me, it was kind of confusing because I like believed in Jesus, but I didn’t know a whole lot about him. So it was kind of like, Me walking the world, kind of loss, kind of alone, feeling like really [00:10:00] alone and also feeling like I was kind of broken. Like God had made a broken thing and that there wasn’t a purpose for my life.

And that, um, there was no way that God created me this way and expected good things to happen. Yeah. Like it was kinda just broken this that’s pretty powerful actually. Um, wow. I, I didn’t even know that myself. So thank you so much for sharing that. Um, I’m trying to think what other questions I wanted to ask you?

Um, well, What, what advice would you have for somebody who is kind of like. I have this diagnosis and I don’t really know where to go from here. I think my best advice would be to embrace what you’re going through and to really, um, just claim to Jesus in the process. [00:11:00] And even if. God brings you through something difficult.

He has a purpose for it. So I think my biggest piece of advice is just to embrace his plan and to embrace what he has for you. No matter what the season that you’re in. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Um, I talked about it last week with my mom, um, how, even after my hearing loss diagnosis, That I was having such a hard time and like mainstream parochial Catholic school, that the accommodations would have been guaranteed in public school.

But the one thing that I didn’t want to leave was the faith aspect, because that was what brought me through so much. Mmm. Okay. There were all of my hearing loss diagnosis and like through all my surgeries and all that stuff. It’s just like, it was my faith that brought me here. Um, so like, that’s pretty awesome.

I think, like you said, embracing what [00:12:00] you have and knowing like it’s for a bigger plan, um, it’s gonna be like, what grounds you and like, what’s going to lead you to the next point. Um, so that’s pretty awesome. That’s really awesome for sure. Um, I’m trying to think what else I wanted to ask you? Um, I dunno, I guess we can just chat about other things, um, and ask me anything.

So, um, so you said you’re almost done graduate, like gonna graduate soon, right? I am. That’s so exciting. So what’s your, what’s your official title gonna be? So I’m going to have a bachelor’s of human services with a minor in psychology. That’s inclusive known as I have no idea what I’m going to do with

fun fact, I have a really good friend and you know, her name is Phillips I’m interning for [00:13:00] her right now. And I will be working full time for her when I graduate. That is so excited. I’m like, so ecstatic, because I’ve never met Missy in person, but we’ve talked and she’s a pretty big podcaster, right?

What’s her podcast show called by his grace. That’s very, yeah. And so they’re also doing podcasts. So you want to talk about podcasts? Yes, I do. Okay. So Misty is actually leading the Christian, um, segment of five first certified first has a bunch of different segments for different topics and she’s in charge of the Christian podcasts.

That’s amazing. And I’m really excited for it because she has a lot of really cool things planned. Yeah. So who’s going to be her special guest. I’m super excited about this swine. So I can’t totally tell you all of them, but I can tell you that Jonathan Rumi, who is from the chosen will be one of the speakers and that’s [00:14:00] Harmon brothers.

Will be another one. That’s so cool. I’m like so excited. And he’s the one that plays Jesus right on the chosen. Yes, that’s so cool. I’m so excited for that one. So I will be attending five status from my couch. Yeah. It will be FaceTiming the whole time. Um, but I’m super excited. So I will. I will leave a link song.

I, a link from daily to leave in the link for the show knows if you guys are listening to this and be like, Hey, I want to start a podcast. Um, check out going throughout because it’s going to be a super, super fun time. I’m really excited about it. Um, do you know what the dates are for it? Um, I do not, but I can find them and let you know.

Okay, perfect. I feel like it’s like sometime in August, but I can’t remember all that because it’s August 10th through the 17th, but don’t quote me on that. Okay. Will do. Okay. Awesome. That’s super exciting. Um, so yeah, that’s really cool. So you’re interning for Misty now and it’s going to be full time. Um, what kind of [00:15:00] stuff do you do for her?

I’m like entrusted to now. So right now she has a mastermind group called the Christian communicators mastermind. And I moderate that Facebook group. And I also like interact with all the people in there. And I also write for her blog right now as well. Yeah. That’s so exciting. Um, I will leave a link to all of the places you can find Bailey, um, everywhere, so you can check her out and stuff.

Um, but after we, you know, You’re just like, what am I doing with this? I love how you said also know this. I joked that what I’m doing with my life. Yeah. So do you have like any kind of idea or anything of what you want to do at all?

originally I thought I wanted to be a counselor. Hey man, that is not for me. I decided that I wanted to write a book. Yeah. Yeah. [00:16:00] Um, that’s awesome. I mean, honestly, like I still kind of don’t know what I want to do. I’m just kind of going with whatever God tells me to do. Um, but are you also doing some sort of your own projects in the works right now?

What’s going on. I kind of am. So right now I’m just helping with Psalm 31, one 39. I know. I can’t speak today.

there we go. Yeah. Um, I’m hoping with that and I’m really enjoying it. And I’m also kind of working on maybe starting a podcast here in the very near future, so much fun to do. Cause obviously, you know, I love podcasting too. Um, so you have an idea of what’s it going to be about? I mean, you don’t have to share, but [00:17:00] you know, I will I’ll share.

So my podcast name is letters to the brave. And I kinda got that idea. I know I talked a little bit about my hospitalization for the mental illnesses that I deal with. Um, the second hospitalization that I was at, they gave us a huge treatment binder. That was probably, I don’t know, five inches thick. It was.

Yeah, a lot of papers. And in the very front of it, there was a letter written by a former patient and it said, dear you, and it was the letter. And it said, sincerely me. So it was like theory, you hear my experiences sincerely me. So I kind of saw that idea and I was like, Hey, maybe I could do something like.

Dare you, here’s some biblical advice of some sort sincerely me. That would [00:18:00] be so fun. Oh my gosh. But I can’t totally steal their idea cause I think it’s copyrighted,

but you know, you can just change a deer. Person. There you go. I love that. That’ll be so fun. So do you have, like, are you gonna do like different topics and, you know, talk a little bit about it. Most likely I’ll do different topics. So probably things on the roam of faith. Yeah. Mental health and things of that nature.

It’ll be so fun. I’m like definitely looking forward to it. You have to cover, aren’t all situated and everything. And. I need to give a shout out to my cover designers. If you don’t know who that is, that’s me. I’m just kidding.

podcasts. Yeah. It’s great. I’m so excited. I’m thank you. I’m so excited for you. Um, thanks. You’re [00:19:00] also blogging. You’re trying to get back into blogging too, right? Yeah. That’s exciting. That’s cool. And bowl salad. I think that we were talking about, um, While you were working on a book, right. Or you’re starting to think about working on a bus, starting to think about it, but I’m not a hundred percent sure of what the idea is yet.

Yeah. That’s, that’s just like a writer spray and you’re like, yeah, I bought to do something. I just don’t know what something’s got to come. I just don’t know what it is. Um, and then it’s something else, like, are you planning on doing any, like work for yourself after you graduate at all? Um, I may in the future, but I’m not a hundred percent sure yet.

Yeah. So you’re just like, I’m kind of just, I’m just doing what God said. Yeah, exactly. That’s all you can do. I know. Oh my gosh. So that is so fun. I feel like you have such a bright future ahead of you. You have no idea. Oh, you were just the sweetest thing. No, but I’m serious. Wait. You just, you have such [00:20:00] a great testimony and such like a cool story, even though you’re probably like, yeah.

Yeah. Like I’m used to hearing that, um, they’re like, seriously, you just have so many things ahead of you. And I like, can’t wait to see it. There you go. Um, kind of like things God has planned for you. Um, I’m so very excited for you. And I’m so,

so glad that we could, you know, do a little interview today. Um, honestly I have no idea how long this is, but it’s all good. And this is not the last I know this is not the last time that she’ll be on this show for sure.

Yeah all the time. Um, and then when you get your own guests, like that’ll be super exciting and stuff. Um, we’re so much alike. It’s like, it’s so funny. Uh, Oh, I think, I think we said we live in different States. Like we’re not even in the same room. Yeah.

[00:21:00] So I live yeah. Up in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and you live all the way down and I’m sure you can tell by my lovely accent. I live in Texas. So we are super far apart. We’re in different time zones. That’s how far apart we are. Um, what time is it? There is 10 40 in the morning. Here am 40. Yeah. So we always get super confused, like, okay, it’s 10, o’clock my time.

Nine, o’clock your time? Like, don’t get this wrong. Or one of us will wake up at the wrong time. Like it’s so funny. Yes, it is. I love it. We’re recording over zoom. So it sounds like, hopefully it sounds like we’re in the same room. Um, but yeah, that’s. Super fun. So we’ve never met in person. I’m like hoping that one day we can once come and stuff is over.

I know we will. It’s going to be there. And then we’re going to post a bunch of pictures about it and we’re going to document it. Just coming to Texas. Y’all. I know, right? Yeah. Quote me on that one for sure. I’m definitely going to [00:22:00] tell access to standpoint. Um, the, yeah, this is super fun. I like so glad that we could, you know, make our schedules work between our books busy lives and need to catch up and just sit down and record a podcast.

So yeah. Thank you guys for listening. Um, I really hope you enjoyed this episode. Just kind of getting to know Bailey and, um, Hopefully you guys can come join our group. If you haven’t already, um, P one M for sure, for short links are always in the description below. I will get a list of list links from daily so that you guys can find out all the stuff that she’s talked about.

And, um, all that stuff. If you guys have any questions, um, feel free to DM you, right? And just sincerely, you’d love to chat with people, obviously. We text like nonstop every day. Um, it’s proud. Well, I’m kidding.

[00:23:00] for sure. We probably just laughed through this entire episode. For sure. Yeah. But this is super fun my first episode ever. So I know, Oh my gosh. It’s so much fun. So anyway, thank you guys so much for listening. Um, and I guess we’ll see vice next time. Right? Bye.